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Rules when using Terraclips



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You and your opponent make that decision at the beginning of the game before models are hired.

Some people have the philosophy that only 30mm and 40mm fit through standard size looking door frames. Other people say any size can fit. The way the door looks in reality is not the actual size of the door in fantasy terms.

The only time the decision is made for you as in a Tournament setting. Other than that you and your opponent either come to an agreement or flip a card. If the outcome is 50mm cannot fit, this gives you a chance not to hire 50mm models for that game.

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Okay so the rules state that if a models base cannot enter an area that model must find an alternate route. With Terraclips all the single doors are too small for a base to fit through so does that mean that the model cannot enter through the door?

Actually rules do not state that for a long time now. Ever since the last revision (small rulebook) the line prohibiting passage through areas too small for the base to fit has not been there.

You still cannot end your movement in such a place though, if I remember correctly.

Edit: You are still not allowed to pass through a too narrow gap if it is a gap between two model bases or a model base and a piece of terrain. So only when it comes to gaps in terrain (like doors) the restrictions have been removed.

I think this change in the rules happened, probably not coincidentally, around the time Terraclips were announced.

Edited by Q'iq'el
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Little rulebook pg 35 "If a models base does not fit through a gap between model bases and/or terrain, the model must find an alterrate path or stop its movement at the point where it can no longer pass." Thanks for the replies I want to try and stick to the rules and I don't really like the 'clips so back to building making for me!

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Just use common sense... the figure itself without the base can fir through the door (in the case of the ones on 30mm) the base just represents their 'personal space' not their physical space.

The rule about fitting through gaps isn't aimed at building doors and making 30mm wide doors is unrealistic for scale purposes... (every building with doors the size of garage doors? I don't think so...)

The rule about fitting through gaps is obviously designed at gaps between terrain and or models... not doors into buildings...

I would house rule it based on model size rather than base size... for example Teddy on 50mm obviously wouldn't fit through a regular sized door he must be 10ft tall and about 6ft wide but the Coryphee duet on 50mm are two regular sized mannequins so they would just single file through the door...

It's not breaking the rules to allow them to use the door just common sense... use it!

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For ease of play and less limitations on how we built the terraclips table, we've used the house rule that all models can pass doors, unless the model itself (without the base, as stated above) logically can't crawl, crouch or squeeze by any physical way in order to pass through.

When a model would be stuck in such way, we decided that it could spend an (1) Interact action to be placed on the other side of the door, within 1" of it. If the base cannot fit on the other side, then it cannot do so.

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Little rulebook pg 35 "If a models base does not fit through a gap between model bases and/or terrain, the model must find an alterrate path or stop its movement at the point where it can no longer pass." Thanks for the replies I want to try and stick to the rules and I don't really like the 'clips so back to building making for me!

For consideration:

Very RAW speaking doors are not a gap between model bases or terrain. They are a passable area within a single piece of complex terrain.

The way Malifaux Terrain characteristics work, what you have on a single terrain base is a single terrain piece. It may have different characteristics for different areas and parts though - this is especially often the case with complex buildings (that can be entered, have windows etc.).

So the rules on how to handle gaps between different pieces of terrain do not have to apply to doors, windows and other parts of the terrain you want the models to be able to pass through.

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Just use common sense... the figure itself without the base can fir through the door (in the case of the ones on 30mm) the base just represents their 'personal space' not their physical space.

The rule about fitting through gaps isn't aimed at building doors and making 30mm wide doors is unrealistic for scale purposes... (every building with doors the size of garage doors? I don't think so...)

The rule about fitting through gaps is obviously designed at gaps between terrain and or models... not doors into buildings...

I would house rule it based on model size rather than base size... for example Teddy on 50mm obviously wouldn't fit through a regular sized door he must be 10ft tall and about 6ft wide but the Coryphee duet on 50mm are two regular sized mannequins so they would just single file through the door...

It's not breaking the rules to allow them to use the door just common sense... use it!


Sure, some models on 30mm and 40mm bases have sculpts that are too large, I'm sure they could think thin to pursue an enemy model, or to take cover from one. And, yeah, the Coryphee Duet should be able to dance through there, but I think that'd also have to do with their pass through ability, as much as with being two regular sized mannequins.

It's just that having to rule things on a model by model basis takes away the simplicity of just saying that only 30mm or that 30mm & 40mm can fit through.

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Carse you forgot some stuff. We rule that 30mm models can freely walk through doors. 40mm and 50mm treat them as difficult terrain unless they have pass through or arachnid special abilities.

I know, I was just giving a general rule we use because you also forgot to mention that's only for small doors, but there are also larger doors and low arches that need to be accounted for, that a general statement covers.

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As for other house rules concerning terraclips...we've also looked at flat elevation height.

The proposed rule of 1 inch of wall = 1 Ht of flat elevation creates funny stuff:

a) models can hit silly high compared to the table..

B) unless you have more than one floor plan in your buildings, they won't take damage from any fall.

To solve it up, we use an house rule that 1 Ht of flat elevation = 0.5 " of actually wall. So a 2" wall is Ht4.

I've also read that some people use 2" of wall = Ht3...so it's up to you but we've found 0.5" to be better in the case of 1" obstacles and other terrain.

This kind of house rule also fits with model Ht...so it looks much more logical in terms of vertical reach.

Edited by Sybaris
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B) unless you have more than one floor plan in your buildings, they won't take damage from any fall.

Assuming that each floor of Terraclips is only 3" high, then no model really should be taking damage from any fall. It's easy enough to drop off the roof of a one story building without taking any damage. Easy enough solution to that is to build two story or taller buildings.

The same cannot necessarily be said of 3" high cliffs, pillars, trees, etc., as falling off of one of them invariably leads to twisted ankles, broken legs, or worse (6 dmg). In those cases, I'd say going with something like your house rule, or the other one you've mentioned instead.

The vertical reach part of it is still an issue, but not one I'm looking to tackle quite yet.

---------- Post added at 01:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 AM ----------

...I want to model that now.

Maybe that's what I'll do with my alt spiders that came with avatar Ramos. :)

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Personally I think it should be in the rulebook that pre measuring should be allowed when playing on terraclips. Since its gridded, its pretty simple as is, and it just kinda speeds up the game that can get slowed down with so much dense terrain

I have multiples of all 6 sets and have played on them extensively, I hear this all the time about the grids however you also have to consider the angles involved between models and the variance in the mm width bases (which can definately impact the "guesses"). Additionally, across most of the sets the grids are actually pretty subtle (excepting the Sewers which are very obvious and especially the wooden floors of the building set).

A few other thoughts on this; the same can be said for any terrain after its been played on a few times. Lastly, its a very small board to begin with so it's not like "guessing/ estimating" distances is that difficult (even without the grids), if anything most people over estimate the distance.

I am also against pre-measuring as it definately slows the game down (especially in competitive events) as it encourages a player to obsess over every decision.

---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

F the door just make a new one by breaking the wall down lol.

My favorite quote of the day!

I would add that when doing this with the Buildings or Streets of Malifaux sets, you can use the Dungeonrise Ruins set to simulate the destruction.

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I have multiples of all 6 sets and have played on them extensively, I hear this all the time about the grids however you also have to consider the angles involved between models and the variance in the mm width bases (which can definately impact the "guesses")

A few other thoughts on this; the same can be said for any terrain after its been played on a few times. Lastly, its a very small board to begin with so it's not like "guessing/ estimating" distances is that difficult (even without the grids), if anything most people over estimate the distance.

Just try not to get your model stuck out in the open in a straight line of grids away from your opponent's model.

Even playing fairly exclusively on Heroscape terrain lately, where each hex is about 2 inches, none of us has really been going, Two, four, six, eight, ten...Well, I think he's in range. Usually we try to play it safe, move the model to where it looks like it's definitely in range, declare the attack, measure, and find out we were well within range before wasting the AP.

Assuming the tracking data is correct, I should (finally) have some Terraclips tomorrow. The price was a deterrent, so I waited until I could find some on sale, and I do have a buddy going in half with me. So we've ordered two Streets, two Buildings, and five Clips. Sewers can wait until later. (Besides, there were still plenty of Sewers in stock, but Buildings were getting low.)

[Also getting in some deep dish bases for models like Spawn Mother, so we'll see how well those work out.]

Now we'll have options of all Terraclips buildings and streets, Terraclips buildings and Heroscape terrain, or all Heroscape terrain. We're working on the more traditional found object and re-purposed packing material terrain, as well.

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