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What would you take for treasure hunt at 30SS? (picture inside)


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So its square corner deployment with the good guys (neverborn) having Treasure hunt, starting in the upper right and the bad guys (Outcasts) having turf war, starting in the lower left. Treasure is next to the tree in the middle, slightly to the left.


Here is the model list I have to work with:

Lilith box


Collodi box

Voodoo doll

2 x Stitched






2 x Young

What you take for Treasure Hunt going against turf war?

I ended up with Zoriada, Twins, Tuco and Coppelius. 5ss cache. I knew getting the treasure back to my deployment zone and defending it there would be a lost battle allowing him to dictate the terms of the engagement in my deployment zone. So I took a few heavy hitters to push the fight into the middle planning to just pick up the treasure and hold it in his half of the board to fight against his turf war. I figured Z can summon significant wicked dolls to add to my numbers. Twins can lure stuff towards his half and then eat them. Outcasts are generally living so terrifying from Coppelius along with his paralyze is generally good. Tuco can deploy on his half and shoot his crew in the back from the start. Can anyone please help me learn and poke some holes in my logic?

Now you know you're facing off against Hamlin, a terror tot, 2 night terrors, wretch, 3ish rats, a stolen or 2 and 6 or 7 cache. We both discussed taking the schemes that would be auto achieves (kidnap/bodyguard for me, gather ss and bodyguard for him) and decided that would be a boring game so we didn't do that. With that in mind; what scheme's would you take with the crew you picked? Why?

Here is what I picked and my thoughts for them:

Breakthrough and stake a claim, both announced. Breakthrough because he would have to divert significant models away from his strat. Stake a claim on the terrain piece in his deployment zone because if I'm going to be there for breakthrough I might as well claim it.

Again if anyone has any thoughts or advice to offer please, by all means let me know what I could have done different/better.

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I would have gone w/ the same Z list except I would have dropped Coppelius for a tot and a Young Neph. I know the Tots cannot interact w/ Hamelin, I would have used him as a treasure runner (its really good w/ Z). The Young would hit hard and possibly grow.

You had a great list, its just more a matter of personal preference. My philosophy is to always try and have the max amount of AP possible*, which is why I would have gone w/ the Tot and Young. Hell, I might have even gone w/ 3 tots instead just for the consistency and to have extra treasure runners.


*Of course there is always exceptions to this rule, but generally it is what motivates my list building.

Edited by msgfree
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