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The superhero thread


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His super strength


Magic trident

Able to leap of building in a single bound

And he's married Merra who can water bend

So he is Superman, only with the enhanced fishy smell.

I get that Aquaman can be cool and he isn't always superfriends bad, but I always find it a case of one character that is just not interesting. The fact that the things that make him different from other super heroes(his water powers) are kinda lame.

Although he does appear in my favorite episode of Super Friends, where he and Green Lantern need to save some miners from drowning and they figure out the best way to break into the caved in mine is to leave the area, summon a whale and then transport it using a Green energy Helicopter. This is the same kinda logic Fedex uses for its Smart post system

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Aquaman is monstrously powerful, even when landlocked. The Justice Friends wrecked him for literally decades to come. That said: Cap is great. Tim is really good, though he's not as good a hacker as was originally stated, there's a handful of people who outclass him by far.

That said: the New 52 has been largely god-awful. Justice League, Teen Titans, Batgirl, Hawkman, Batman books everywhere, Ed Benes, etc. Only a handful of books are actually above mediocre and not by much.

Atomic Robo, on the other hand, is amazing. One of the few remaining series I still buy.

I really haven't read many of the new 52, the whole thing about retconning some things but not others lost me quick, Barbara Gordon walking again after just a year irritated me, and I was already annoyed at bruce Wayne's 'death'. much as I like Batman, I would have had him actually dead, let Dick continue to be the new Batman, and I actually kind of liked how Damien was as Robin with Dick as Batman. But I knew they weren't going to keep Bruce dead and was right, it's comics, not even Aunt May can ever stay dead, and that's a whole other rant.

Marvel meanwhile, I've actually gotten back into reading. I had gotten out of marvel for awhile when they undid 20 years of spiderman's history to again, keep the 100+ year old senior citizen alive, and the fact I lost complete track of what had been going on in the X-universe, th last one i had picked up, the X-men had all become vampires or something.

Though I've now been catching up with X-Force, and Ironman

The only ones I've really kept up with reading regularly has been Hellboy and Atomic Robo

So he is Superman, only with the enhanced fishy smell.

I get that Aquaman can be cool and he isn't always superfriends bad, but I always find it a case of one character that is just not interesting. The fact that the things that make him different from other super heroes(his water powers) are kinda lame.

Kind of my take on Superman, I've just never found him as interesting as others like Batman or Green lantern. Wonderwoman occasionally I can get into, but half the time her own books are kind of bland and boring, depending on who's writing them, though she's great in JLA.

---------- Post added at 12:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 PM ----------

Now not only do we have Steph 2.0, but by all appearances Barbara is also completely insane


To be fair, having over a decade of living with a serious spinal injury get condensed to just a year could have that effect on anyone.

Edited by G. Footman
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Kind of my take on Superman, I've just never found him as interesting as others like Batman or Green lantern. Wonderwoman occasionally I can get into, but half the time her own books are kind of bland and boring, depending on who's writing them, though she's great in JLA.

Oh I agree, Superman is kinda boring in a lot of ways. But to be honest I find most of the top tier DC heroes to be rather boring. I find most of the DC character I like are really third or forth string guys, obscure, silly but fun.

Not to say Marvel gets off any hook. They got there problems too.

To be honest I have not read a Superhero book in a while. I actually took a break from comics for a while and I am just starting to get back in and read. Just started with rereading all of Fables because I realized I am like 5 GN behind in the story line now(I stopped reading right when they one the War with the Adversary). Going to take a look at Walking Dead next or maybe catch up on where I left on Hellboy

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So he is Superman, only with the enhanced fishy smell.

I get that Aquaman can be cool and he isn't always superfriends bad, but I always find it a case of one character that is just not interesting. The fact that the things that make him different from other super heroes(his water powers) are kinda lame.

Although he does appear in my favorite episode of Super Friends, where he and Green Lantern need to save some miners from drowning and they figure out the best way to break into the caved in mine is to leave the area, summon a whale and then transport it using a Green energy Helicopter. This is the same kinda logic Fedex uses for its Smart post system

He's missing some of the secondary powers Superman has, his defenses aren't as thorough, and his weakness is actually worse than Martian Manhunter's.

The Green Lanterns vary in quality wildly. Hal is boring, the only remotely entertaining moments coming from the fact that comparing his intelligence to a box of rocks is insulting to the box of rocks. John isn't quite as boring, but he can be on occasion, he really works best as the straight man if you turned his book into a comedy routine. Guy works very well as a foil, he's probably the most entertaining of the Green Lanterns. Kyle.... well... it's Kyle, he's really bad at being a Green Lantern, even if DC has jumped through some rather impressive hoops to make him relevant.

@G.Footman: it was actually just over 2 decades in real people time, so about 1 month in comic book time, especially since they kept retconning the timeline during all of this. My measuring stick is the Batgirl they introduced in 1999.

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@new guardians, he's a good leader

There is also sinestro who was a villain until recently

Simon Batz I like, he's taken some wrong turns and now as a green lanturn he can turn his life around

Also Hal isn't a green lanturn and might be turning into a black Lanturn

And let not forget Alan Scott, he's gay that about it

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I think with the Green Lantern franchise the biggest strength is how much of an ensemble cast exists and can be drawn on, that helps with engaging stories etc.

As for Superman, I have never been a fan but recently decided to pick up All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison and enjoyed that. I am enjoying the current run of Wonderwoman and this is the first time I have read any of her outside JLA.

My favourite books of the new 52 are Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Justice League Dark, The Flash, Batman, Earth 2, Dial H (except for this months issue 0). I'm reading others but these are generally what stands out for me.

As for Marvel, I'm waiting for the whole AvX thing to be done with and then check out some of the new books. At the moment I am happy with my Ultimate universe stuff.

And then we get to other books outside of the big two ... loving Saga, Morning Glories, Planetoid, American Vampire, Sweet Tooth but they arent really superhero books.

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After having spoken to several different comic book writers at various comic-cons and what have you,.. they all say that superman is perhaps the hardest to write for. It's because he's ~too~ powerful. And you have to keep coming up with some reason for him to not just win,... and you can only pull the "kryptonite card" out so many times before it becomes stupid.

Edited by Webmonkey
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yeah, I had the first volume of Empowered, that was sadly ruined when my basement flooded.

I've liked just about anything Grant Morrison's written as far as comics, so might have to check out his superman work then.

and I was a big Gen13 fan in high school, then kind of stopped reading after they nuked everyone, since I thought the series was over, and years later saw the issue that took place after, flipped through, and couldn't figure out why fairchild was still alive, apparantly a teacher, and had no mention of everyone getting nuked

---------- Post added at 09:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 PM ----------

And I guess you can't have a conversation about cool superheroes without bringing up the exact opposite,.. The Lamest Supers ever,...

I'll open the bidding with "The Wonder-Twins",...

Matter Eater Lad

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