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Hanging tree overpriced? - The truth they didn't want you to know!


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I didn't bother with the Hanging Tree at Gencon despite having the Nightmare Lord Chompy, Teddy and Justice boxed sets as I thought it was massively over-priced for a pretty (useless...???) tree.

I've just got back from Colours were there was an unopened Hanging Tree box for £35!!!

It was just sat there on a stall in full view! Looking uncomfortable and not making eye contact with anyone! A model that was $80 only a few weeks ago!

And still people just picked it up, shook their head and put it back!

Ah well, roll on next Gencon. Hopefully they'll be a more atractive Nightmare model people actually want to buy/use.

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I agree. Not that the model looks bad, but $80 for a tree feels pretty rich. Even if it is a big, cool-looking tree. Especially since, for the cost of the Hanging Tree, you could buy two of the prerelease starters. I guess that is the drawback of Malifaux's low buy-in price.

Terrain is a hard sell, since, unlike gaming models, it is a piece of common wisdom that players should make their own terrain. Even GW, the kings of over-pricing model kits, tend to keep their terrain pieces at around the $40 - $50 range. For $80, you can get a whole house with walls to keep the peasants out (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440008a&prodId=prod1095517), goofy and un-Malifaux-y though it might be.

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£35 would still put it at about $60, and you still get the two hanged models out of it. Considering Nightmare teddy was almost triple the cost of a regular teddy, you could argue that the hanged models would have had similar pricing if they were separate from the tree. So half the cost is the hanged, and half is the tree.

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Just so that everyone is aware of what comes in the box, here are my--slightly modified--hanging trees. There are three trees and four hanged figures with a lot of extra vultures on the sprue.

I will post the final painted pieces, with better photography, soon.

From my end, I am very happy with my GenCon purchase and feel that as an exclusive, special edition model that the price is fair. If this were a regular release, I'm sure that the price would fit the industry standards. Wyrd has never price gouged their customers, quite the opposite. The cost for molds on special edition models with limited production runs is higher due to the lower output. LCB, Teddy and Dead Justice were more expensive than regularly released sets of comparative size. (Well, nothing compares to the amount of metal in LCB but you get the point....)

And considering that the trees and a Dark Debts box netted me a Miss Terious, a free exclusive figure, the price tag didn't sting me at all.

I'm just adding a bit of counter-point here. I hear what is being said on this thread, $80 is no small bit of hard-earned coin but given the product, I'm--personally--happy to pay it.

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I agree. Not that the model looks bad, but $80 for a tree feels pretty rich. Even if it is a big, cool-looking tree. Especially since, for the cost of the Hanging Tree, you could buy two of the prerelease starters. I guess that is the drawback of Malifaux's low buy-in price.

Terrain is a hard sell, since, unlike gaming models, it is a piece of common wisdom that players should make their own terrain. Even GW, the kings of over-pricing model kits, tend to keep their terrain pieces at around the $40 - $50 range. For $80, you can get a whole house with walls to keep the peasants out (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440008a&prodId=prod1095517), goofy and un-Malifaux-y though it might be.

I was fine about my purchase, until you showed me this. i wanted to use the main tree as the special terrain feature in the game. but now im looking at what i could do with that manor!

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I agree. Not that the model looks bad, but $80 for a tree feels pretty rich. Even if it is a big, cool-looking tree. Especially since, for the cost of the Hanging Tree, you could buy two of the prerelease starters. I guess that is the drawback of Malifaux's low buy-in price.

Terrain is a hard sell, since, unlike gaming models, it is a piece of common wisdom that players should make their own terrain. Even GW, the kings of over-pricing model kits, tend to keep their terrain pieces at around the $40 - $50 range. For $80, you can get a whole house with walls to keep the peasants out (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440008a&prodId=prod1095517), goofy and un-Malifaux-y though it might be.

In Australia that Manor costs $124.

Yeah, that another reason my GW stuff is all sold....

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For laughs, I looked at Ebay. There are people selling these trees for 200.00 USD!!! Have they lost their minds? I'm really interested to see if someone actually pays 200.00 for them.

Looking at completed listings, one sold for $81 and $90 for another. There is one currently at $90 with a bid on it. No one seems to wanna' bite on $200 for the bloody thing.

I bought it at Gencon. Haven't opened it because of a lack of free time lately due to a job shift and other projects. My friend built his and I am extremely disappointed. I'm considering selling it as it is, still sealed. The top of the tree itself is disappointing. Too many mold lines. And, most disappointing of all, the faces are REALLY simple.

All I really want at this point is one of the two 50mm Hanging Trees to use for the encounters and aDreamer whenever I get him (for fun). I have no desire for the second tree or the big tree itself.

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They aren't crapping on bread and calling it a sandwich, they're presenting the sandwich as is and you can take it or leave it


Plus, if you have access to different or cheaper alternatives, by all means go for them. I haven't really seen Wyrd staff looking down on other companies/ or proxies used for Wyrd models on this forum.

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"The truth they didn't want you to know"?


Like it's some sort of conspiracy or something?

They aren't crapping on bread and calling it a sandwich, they're presenting the sandwich as is and you can take it or leave it

I forget that sarcasm fails to come across on the internet almost as much as I forget how overly emotional some people can be.

I wasn't suggesting a conspiracy (hard to see how it can be taken that I was...) I was simply highlighting the fact that the Hanging Tree model was overpriced.

Hey ho.

Would you like a sandwich?

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I forget that sarcasm fails to come across on the internet almost as much as I forget how overly emotional some people can be.

If you saw my joke as overly emotional then you missed the meaning even more than I.

Also I was rather proud of my folksy sounding phrase, I plan to use it often in the future, I can almost hear it in Dr Phil's voice ;)

Also, I it doesn't really sound sarcastic if you showed no content for such sarcasm. Your post doesn't really work if that line was sarcastic, since everything else you said indicates otherwise.

But anyway, my actual point was, of course, is that it's a matter of perspective.

And yes, I would like a sandwich, that's why I bought it =p

Edited by psychocamel
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For an alternative hanging tree for encounters , I found some good cheap trees in the spooky town collection available at most hobby stores during Halloween... it usually is half off the day after also..... think the manufacturer is Lexmark..... alot of the collection would be useable as malifaux terrain

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I haven't regretted buying the Wyrd Hanging Trees, and I don't expect to. Doing a limited run in plastic like this has got to be pretty expensive. Cutting a mold will always be a static expense, amortized over time by selling LOTS of models. In this case it being such a short run they had to recoup the cost in far fewer models, and I'm fine with that.

quickfuze, That's an awesome point, I'm kind of excited about it now! I was planning on sculpting some more trees, that might help me out a bunch.

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I picked up a hanging tree and I can be added to whatever list there might be of people that are pleased with it. It's a great terrain piece, 2 models I was going to pick up anyways, and another good example of Wyrd's amazing sense of humor. Plus even if I don't use it as a "Hanging Tree" I can always use it as an "awesome tree". I find it a bit strange there's a thread like this in the first place, though. Of course there are going to be some models people aren't going to buy: it's a miniatures game. Of course there are going to be some models people don't find value in: it's a miniatures game. It's not as if anywhere in the rule book it says "If you don't have the real hanging tree you lose".

I give props to Wyrd for another great sculpt that worked for me. And acknowledge it doesn't necessarily work for everyone else.

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For an alternative hanging tree for encounters , I found some good cheap trees in the spooky town collection available at most hobby stores during Halloween... it usually is half off the day after also..... think the manufacturer is Lexmark..... alot of the collection would be useable as malifaux terrain

Manufacturer is Lemax (I was interested enought to go a Googling).

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I picked up a hanging tree and I can be added to whatever list there might be of people that are pleased with it. It's a great terrain piece, 2 models I was going to pick up anyways, and another good example of Wyrd's amazing sense of humor. Plus even if I don't use it as a "Hanging Tree" I can always use it as an "awesome tree". I find it a bit strange there's a thread like this in the first place, though. Of course there are going to be some models people aren't going to buy: it's a miniatures game. Of course there are going to be some models people don't find value in: it's a miniatures game. It's not as if anywhere in the rule book it says "If you don't have the real hanging tree you lose".

I give props to Wyrd for another great sculpt that worked for me. And acknowledge it doesn't necessarily work for everyone else.

Couldn't have said it better myself! That entire paragraph covers all my feelings on the matter, including the going to get two hanged models anyway.

It was a great co-incidence for me, about a week before the hanging tree was announced I'd decided that The Hanged were an interesting model to use, and I should bite the bullet and buy a couple

Good thing I hadn't been paid yet

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Three Hanging tree terrain pieces, what's not to like!?

Honestly, for my group this is wonderful. It adds a new level of immersion when we have on them on the table. Besides the trees are one hell of an attention grabber.

-passerby "Oh my god are people hanging from that tree?!"

-myself "Why yes they are! It's malifaux!"


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