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Yet Another Kickstarter - Relic Knights - Soda Pop

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The whole uproar over the SDE minis was stupid. "OMG there are stretch goals that don't explicitly apply to me, this is terrible." At least SDE players who had no interest in RK were civil in working out the best solution, and gaining the ability to swap the Mercenary charter starter for 5 minis meant you could grab the entire SDE line for 60+shipping. I never thought I'd see greater examples of entitlement after quitting WoW, but kickstarter comments blow those out of the water at times. The Reaper Bones comments after they announced they'd be extending the campaign for people who missed it, but for a higher price, is a great example of pledgers acting like entitled idiots.

The sodapop forums weren't half as bad as the kickstarter comments, and those are the people I'd consider the community. Mostly waiting for a revised version of the draft rules to play test with some friends that split a GGEA level pledge. There is already a ton of stuff in the draft rules that will be getting changed, so no point in play testing stuff we know is getting fixed.

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I ended up pledging way more than anticipated - pretty much everything except Noh. I like the SDE figs - I think it makes sense to try and reach that audience - especially when they had already added so many figures to the basic pledge levels. The last minute stretches were a nice surprise.

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The SDE stuff made sense since that is likely how most people even know who Sodapop are. I feel your pain on spending too much, since I was the one who placed the pledge for mine and my friends stuff. Basically everything we could get for every faction except N'oh and Paladins. The final goals definitely all look like they will be amazing models. Candy Rush is a neat concept, looking like a hybrid of Maliya and One-Shot with a candy flare to it. Void Reaper was a surprise, considering most of us were expecting Ayu Beat to get an official model. The Uniques are both very cool looking designs, but Cordelia makes me think the design process was throwing darts at a wall covered in anime stereotypes. Cool concept, and definitely looks like the type of person that would pal around with C&C.

Now to see if I have the funds to add the C&C plushies when the CKPM gets sent out, lol.

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