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Sharing my work thus far...


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As someone who has always found the artistic side to miniatures games particularly intimidating, it was with some trepidation that I got into Malifaux at the start of this year at the urging of some close friends. For my birthday they got me the Perdita box set, an Austringer and the Enslaved Nephlim, along with a pile of assorted tools (brushes, files, glue, greenstuff, etc).

I've been working on enhancing my technique ever since, and while I lack any washes, and have begun experimenting with dry brushing and layering, I thought I'd share some of my shots so far.

These are by no means all of my painted models, but I figured I'd show off the base crews while using my poor 3GS's camera, hopefully much higher quality pics will be available once I get my next phone, or manage to borrow a friend's 12mpx camera.

Perdita box set:


Sonnia box set with 2 50mm tokens I made for her flame wall out of said bases and a bunch of yellow, red and orange plastic 'crystals' I got on ebay.


Hoffman and totems (forgot to grab my Watchers, but they're unpainted so no real loss there), my first homage crew, inspired by the incredible Aperture Science Ramos crew I saw on these forums.


Close up of the 3 I'm fairly proud of, particularly the fact that Tony Hoffman appears to be a fan of irony.


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Thanks for all the feedback! The Ortegas were the first crew I painted up, and Sonnia (along with some other random odds and ends) were the second. I hope to finish up Hoffoman and some extra for the others (Witchling Handler, the Watchers, Hoffman himself, etc) to at least put me at 3 painted crews fieldable. From there it'll be forays into basing and LJ/other odds and ends.

I agree that I should look into some washes. I've been using P3 paints and like the results I get, but as a non-artist the mixing and tweaking aspect is a bit intimidating, and as much as I love the range, they don't seem to have the wash selection that some others do, so I might have to look at other lines to expand my repetoire there.

Hoffman's crew I'd initially though of doing in either heavy greys or bronze, as seems to be the usual approach, but after seeing a number of themed crews, I decided to base Hoff off the aesthetic used for the Iron Man movies, hence the heavy emphasis on red and gold. Next in line for that will likely be the Warden (painted in dark grey, black and brown, similarly to the very first suit Tony builds in Iron Man 1), and Hoffman himself, who will likely be a mix of silver and red, made to look like the 'suitcase armour' from Iron Man 2 forming around him.

That's why I mentioned my Hoffman being a fan of irony. The Peacekeeper's paintjob is inspired entirely by War Machine from the comics/Iron Man 2. :-P

Edit: it doesn't show up in the pictures (need to work on lighting and getting a better camera), but some drybrushing practice has gone over very well, particularly a purple highlight I added to Perdita's hair, and some feathering I strove to bring out on the Austringers (not yet shown).

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Some lovely neat paintwork, I agree some washes would be the next step. If you want something that is supposed to be really good, but with a bigger range of colours than GW, I hear secret weapon washes are decent. Br the first and important thing is brush control, and you've clearly got that.

As for being intimidated, I say just give it a shot, get a model you feel happy experimenting on, and just try out adding white or cream to make highlights, and placing them on the raised areas before you put washes down. Doesn't matter if it goes wrong, that's what paint stripper is for! *wink*

Mind you, from there it's a slippery slope to more and more layers, and then blending, freehanding, and all sorts of craziness...

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