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weird movies, books and games

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Hey guys,

So i recently realized that I am a huge fan of... oddball stuff, would be one way of putting it. In that vein, I guess I should give some examples of the sort of book, movie and game suggestions that I am looking for, to see if anyone here has similar tastes to my own.

So, the obvious place to start is with my starting Crew for Malifaux, which was Colette. Then throw in some Burlesque, and the show Carnivale (from HBO). I just got Ray Bradbury's "Something Wicked This Way Comes" I actually have never really read much work that could be officially classified as "steam punk" or even similar to our malifaux.

Does anyone here have any suggestions on where/how to expand in this similar sort of work? video/computer games, board/rpgs.. books, movies, etc. ??

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If you're into weird games you could try playing Slender, that game will give you nightmares as to how outlandishly weird that is.

Shows I can't really say, I don't watch too much cable TV. As for movies you always have strange movies like Monkeybone, Beetlejuice and Eight Legged Freaks.

Whenever I watch Beetlejuice and Monkeybone the style of the sets just reminds me of Malifaux, more particularly the underworld stuff in Monkeybone, it's just so weird and out there lol.

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Try Neil Gaiman's 'Neverwhere' (both the TV series and the book) a great adventure even if you've never been to London!

And the film 'Cabaret' is much better than you'd think (quite dark)...

Also, avoid 'Dystopian Wars'. Great fluff, excellent figures but the rules are atrocious (ooh...you've rolled more 6's than me and you've won! Another game? No.)

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As far as books go, one I have recently read that captures some of the feel of Malifaux (western, magic, victorian/civil war era) is Brandon Sanderson's novella: "Alloy of Law".

Also, for other steampunk genre books you might want to check out the "goodreads.com" website. They have all sorts of books categorized by both formal genre and by tags.

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Ohh yeah, Dishonored is on the wish list on Amazon.

I just picked up a Kindle, so was doing a LOT of searching for books to fill it, and surprisingly some of the top picks on goodreads are not available on kindle, such as Angela Carter's Nights at the Circus (its available in play, and cliff notes type releases, but not the actual book)

I should also throw out there, while you may knock it, Black Swan was a most excellent movie, and right down this Carnivale/ Doctor Parnassus type alley... very dark, very surreal.

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I can kinda help music-wise?

Ghoultown's got a fun undead cowboy theme going that I imagine plays up to the more cartoony side of Malifaux.

For something less cartoony but still mystery-meets-the-wild-west, you can't go wrong with old school Fields of the Nephilim.


In terms of books, while not steampunk per se Kim Newman's Anno Dracula series has that victorian horror vibe. It all takes place in an alternate ending to Dracula where the antagonist isn't stopped and he makes his way to England, where he seduces the Queen and brings vampires out into public knowledge to integrate them with society. Not a great book, but a good read with good atmosphere.


---------- Post added at 10:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 PM ----------

Oh, and if you like a more distinctly Asian folkloric type of horror I'd suggest Imprint by Takashi Miike. He's great at Japanese surrealism (Gozu comes to mind) and this flick reminds me a lot of the tone associated with Kirai.

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If you are looking for a dark/creepy board game, check out Mansions of Madness!

Just played an expansion where the end of the plot to the story was where the investigators turned into Marionettes! I kind of imagined Collodi was the GM/Keeper of the game and he was just driving people into insanity before the Mansion fell silent except for the sounds of clunking wood...

Even just the basic game by itself without the expansions is great, it's a medium weight rpg style, story telling game.


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There is an older Video Game out there called Terra Arcanum. You can get it at gog.com for not much. It has a steampunk feel to parts of it, and it's a lot of fun.

There was a webcomic called Freak Angels that had a steampunk feel to it as well. Sadly, it ended a few years back, but you can still find the whole story in their archives.

There are many movies out there that can evoke the feel of Malifaux in some fashion. I know Ratty has a few favorites that he has posted before. Here are a few I have come across.

Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame

Bunraku (Thanks Ratty for this one.)

The Warrior's Way

I'm sure I have seen more stuff out there, but I am honestly drawing a blank. Must be getting tired.

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Not sure if I posted this already, but if you are in the market for the odd/steampunk sort of stuff, I stumbled across a comic book in one of the local shops here called Lady Mechanika.

It's currently out in 4 parts, numbered 0-3. Part 4 is supposedly in the works, but it keeps getting pushed back, and we have no idea when/if it'll be out. Be prepared to pay good money for 0 and 1 though, as theyve been out of print for a little bit.

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