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35ss Malifaux Tournament on Long Island, NY - 9/22/12


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35ss (scrap) Malifaux Tournament.

Three, 2hr rounds.

$10 entry, includes lunch (pizza).

Fixed Faction, Domination Format.

Standard Deployment.

Strategies will be predetermined shared strategies TBA prior to the event.

All schemes available, but are unique (1 use only).

Tables will be pre-set with terrain.

Proxies will be allowed at the discretion of the TO.

Your crew must contain at least 75% Wyrd Miniatures.

We will be allowing models from the new book Storm of Shadows to be used!!


Brothers Grim Games, 1 (631) 698-2805

1244 Middle Country Rd., Selden, NY 11784


Saturday September 22, 2012

Registration begins at 10am

First flip at 11am

Please be on time!

Prizes will be awarded to the 1st and 2nd place players.

Painting is not required, but encouraged as there will be a separate award for best overall paint job.

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