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Carrying case


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I have the Malifaux battlefoam bag, and find that it easily carries my entire collection (as noted in my sig, 6 masters/henchmen, pretty much their entire crews (or extra models to account for them), and with some careful packing I think I should even be able to pack in an entire faction with ease, or close to it.

Rather than getting multiple bags, what I envision (should I continue to branch out to another faction, which is on hold for now) would be instead simply getting some extra trays and swapping them out as desired. So load up my Guild, but should I decide to play Arcanists for a day or a tournament, just trade out the current 3 trays for another 3 and run with that.

Truth be told, until I look at Avatars I might even have enough space in the 2.5" bottom pluck foam to put all the big models there (Guild and Arcanist alike) and just swap in the top two.

Still a shame the bag isn't ~0.5" taller or so. You can pack a second 1.5" tray in place of the top 1" one, but it's a tight fit and the edges of the top foam suffer a bit for it. Don't think there's any model impact, but still remains a tiny annoyance in a product I otherwise find incredible for porting my collection around for when I play at my friends' place.

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I thought I was foolish for not using magnets until recently, when one of my friends dropped his case and is still not done repairing everything. Meanwhile, I've had two bits come off after mishaps with my KR cases, and both of those weren't glued on that well to begin with.

Considering you have a larger collection, you could probably get one to two factions per case, depending. I got the Malifaux WYD-MFX-2 and it's working great- with the addition of the Rail Crew it'll hold almost all of my Malifaux stuff. Depending on the number of big 40 and 50mm based figures you have, you might need one or two pluck trays per case.

Since shipping is free, I'd also consider getting one cardboard case first to make sure you like the tray setup you want, then get the hoss case. You'll probably have use for the separate card case anyway.

Lastly, consider throwing in a Kaiser One or one of the Backpacks if you think you might want to travel lighter sometimes. I'm probably going to get a Backpack soon- I lug all of the stuff for all of my games in a Kaiser 2 at the moment, and sometimes I think I'd like to have the option for something smaller.

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I have the warmachines battle bag. It has multple trays and hold my collection. I have currently arround 60 models and I have avatars and 50mm ones as well. He has dep pockets for those. Malifaux bag to small for me. I do carry my cards in spereate box since i have them in top loaders.

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