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I think there may be some confusion with how "Companion" chains work.


Collodi and his marionettes don't actually companion, he has a different ability that lets any marionettes within 6" activate at the end of his turn, plus he can also (0) to let one friendly doll activate after him.

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But some things you wrote intrigue me.... I understood the rule from the activation after collodis, that I start first with the marionettes and then I can teleport my activated wicked doll to collodi, but you wrote "Treasure hunt: Dish out fast in first turn, use 2 Marionettes to bring Collodi to the marker. 1 Wicked to grab the counter which then double walks back and you pull string Collodi back too." How can that work??

You have three ways to do that:

1: If he is not able to shoot on the position of the treasure marker in first turn then you don't really have to care how you organise your activations.

2: If you want to get the marker fast because then activate Collodi use puppet show, Holding the strings on 2 Marionettes, and Doll Friend on one Wicked. The Marionettes activate before the Wicked because Holing the strings states "immediatly after", while Doll Friend only says "after". Use those 2 Marionettes to Retract, Walk and Pull String Collodi to within 2 - 3" of the Treassure Marker. Try to use that 2 - 3" Distance to bring Collodi in the most secure spot. Then 0 Hags Toy the Wicked in. You have 2" Distance between the base of the Wicked and Collodi and 30mm of the Wickeds base. Thats why 2 - 3" is close enough for Collodi. (1) interact the Treasure Marker and double walk away. Now your first activation ends. If he can now Companion activate and shoot up your Collodi you are in trouble. So if you would risk that then you should go with variant 3.

3: You are the mass army. Out activate him so that he has activated everything and then just grab the marker when he can do nothing more than watch. If you loose initiative next turn you may loose 1 Marionette but hey after that you are sitting on 8 VP. So he needs to rush towards you to get you or its at least a draw.

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You could also go something like this:

Activate collodi, hand out fast like candy, activate all 4 marionettes.

Marionette 1: walk x 2 so you are 7.99999999 inches away from collodi, then pull strings that last .001 and place collodi as close to treasure as possible.

Marionette 2: 0 into base to base with collodi as close to treasure as possible then act as marionette 1 such that the third marionette will be standing on the treasure when it retracts.

Marionette 3: Retract into base to base such that it is standing on the treasure, (1) or (2) to pick it up then (1) to hand it to collodi. If possible pull strings back towards your deployment to begin bringing it to safety. This moves collodi, it does not push him so I believe he can hold onto the treasure while this is being done to him, although in all fairness this could be an old rule interaction swimming up out of the depths of my memory.

Marionette 4: Retract into base/base then double walk and pull strings to place collodi somewhere safe.

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I've started playing Collodi (well, 1 game but quite a bit of research) and I mainly played Perdita, so I can understand how hard the Ortega's can hit.

This thread is great for someone like me, while I am unlikely to play vs the Ortega's (as only I have them among my gaming group and we are still rather inexperienced at the game) it is good to know.

Stitched together's are your friend. when close to Collodi they are wp8, and they have a great damage spell, and does not die kicking in means they get to activate twice that turn (as long as they "die" after they have already activated).

My one and only game I moved very fast across the table, and then lost Collodi in the second or third turn. Bit of a mistake but I just had to see how far he could move (and I ended up drawing the game due to a wicked doll sacrificing itself to take out a 2 wound no ss Lillith, that was awesome).

While a low cb on the marionettes and wicked dolls isn't brilliant, it does reduce your opponent's cards, as some of them are going to be high enough for your opponent to have to cheat. Taking the arcane effigy gives you an extra card, which is pretty good, and granting Collodi an extra ap for casting is awesome. I too use a brutal (bought it for perdita) and they can lay down the hurt, I love critical strike.

I just bought Zoriada, aZoriada and a voodoo doll off eBay. Looking forward to using her with Collodi :D

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hi again guys and thanks for the hints

I usually do buff my marionetts when I attack. I use fast and melee expert on at least 2 of them! But I cant really believe that you can kill anyone with them... With combat 4 against a def of 6.... thats a +2 difference!!!! It may seem small but its huge! I only have in my deck one card that will get my attack to 18!!!! And thats the red joker and usually you wont have it in your hand cards... u have like 8,9,10 and 11 sometimes 12 and 13. Ok lets say I have the joker and I use it, what does he need to stop my attack? He needs only a 12 or 13, how many of these cards are in deck? 8+1 (red joker), so 9 cards that can forfeit my attack. Lets be more realistic. I attack him and cheat fate with a 9, that makes a total of 13.. what does he need to defend? at least a 14. This means that he can use the 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and a joker. That makes 25 cards in the deck that he can use to defend. From the 10 attacks that I mostly can use on one of his figures (2 marionettes with flurry and a wicked doll, the other marionettes were used to get there) 3 are successful (as I said, this is my experience til now) and with a 1/2/4 dmg... I usually make 3 dmg.... and that means that I also used hand cards!!!! so next round I dont have any to defend.

Then he activates all of his crew (companion) tries to escape and then shoots from miles away all my little dolls, cause the stitched are somewhere at the back 10" away or could not be activated. Or just uses papa loco when his figures managed to disengage.

Reading your reply does make me wonder if you have got combat rules wrong.

You both generate a total and then the person losign makes first cheat.

And with Paired, you are fliiping 2 cards and picking which one to use, against his 1 card.

Most of the Ortegas are Df 4 or 5.

Even those on Df 5 (possibly just Francisco) need to flip a better card than you to win.

And you have flipped 2 cards and get to pick which one you use.

Remember, if its a tie, you hit.

So Statistically, the Ortegas will have to cheat first.

And as you say, you have a low damage chart, so one hit doesn't make much difference.

But those 10 Paired atacks have a good chance of killing one and half killing a second ortega in one go.

And even if he has a great hand, and you have a poor hand, you will still probably kill one Ortaga.

And speaking about range, sure, most of the Ortegas have 10" gun. But Collodi and 4 MArionetes can go from being out of his range at the start of the activation to having 11 or more attacks before he activates. And you could also turn some of those spare actions (because 99 time out of 100 you will kill the ortega minion in under 8 atacks) into moving Collodi out of range for reprisals.

I'll admit this might not work very well on Papa Loco, and his explosion will make a mess of you so you need some answer to it, but it seems a lot of the time he isn't being the problem.

I hoppe this helps

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ah yea true the ortegas have 4-5 def!! I wrote bull*** there, sorry xD Im still new and sometimes mess the rules up

But as I said before Im just talking about my experience against my friend. And Im usually losing the duels, even if I cheat second he still has more cards to def than I do to attack. Im just not able to kill any of his figures (well at least not that often) cause he usually keeps them together and wins the duels, maybe hes cheating.... Last game I only did 3 wound to francisco and 2 to santiago. I had 5 attack to use on francisco and 6 on santiago (couldnt target only one cause they were so close that I couldnt surround the one closest to collodi and a he was also leaned against a house, no room for me to move my dolls around). Not the wisest decision but he was wining the game already and I had to go into melee... he already had wounded a stitched and killed 2 wicked dolls.

Papa loco is being a problem to me. As written above he keeps his figures together and Im just to scared to attack him upfront cause of his companion ability and papa loco in the near. For him its not a real problem if he kills 3 of his figures with papa loco cause I wont have collodi anymore and he will usually only have to fight against stitched togethers and 2 wicked dolls which wont be that of a problem for him. He will have plenty of time and space to get to the objectives he needs.

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I just painted up a Collodi crew but have not used it yet. I was wondering how people tend to deal with nasty things like the Coryphee Duet when running a doll force?

Burn through my opponents hand then repeatedyl cast dismantle with collodi, the primordial magic and a dopplganger....they have only got so many soulstones!

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For papa loco i think the brutal effigy has a gun that can hurt him (yes you can be shot back) nd arcane effigy has a gun and a 0 spell that can attack from out of range of the explosion so if you check the rules for them and proxy them, perhaps see how that goes?

Though Perdita does tend to be a pain with her hand as she can bin it and draw that many cards again if she has a bad hand, which is an evil rule if it works like it did for me Vs Lord of Stuff:P

(Binned 2,3,3,4 and draw 10,11 13 13. and i got swaps around like that for 3 turns:P)

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Burn through my opponents hand then repeatedyl cast dismantle with collodi, the primordial magic and a dopplganger....they have only got so many soulstones!

So I assume you were using Zoraida as Master? On that note, what masters would you likely not take a straight doll force against?

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So I assume you were using Zoraida as Master? On that note, what masters would you likely not take a straight doll force against?

You can do it with almost as much effect using the arc ef to give collodi an extra cast a turn.

Outcasts- I would take Zoraida against von schill, as he can make all constructs slow, gremlins as she is great as messing with their low WP. The viks and levi depend on the skill of the players. COllodi can get the jump on Leves waifs. Against the Viks I think her avatar would cause collodi problems.

Resses- I think Collodi does a little better here. He can give all of the masters a run for their money, except that I would want to take Zoraida to nulligy Ikiryo when facing Kirai.

Guild- He does ok here until avatars pop up. He does well against Hoffman, Perdita is ok but Sonnias blast might hurt a tightly bunched doll crew and it is just too much fun obeying samuel hopkins to not take zoraida...

I have less experience playing against arcanist masters but he should be fine against Marcus. Tina may cause problems (here I would probably whip out Zoraida- "oh you can buff the range of your spells...my voodoo doll makes my range limitless!) Ramos is ok and Collette is tricksy but makes for a great game.

Thats my 2 cents, others may feel differently.

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Great help, thanks! In our growing group, most people only have a few masters at most and nobody has a whole faction to choose from, so I usually have some idea what kind of list I'll be playing against. I guess for tournaments, it would probably be safer to just run Collodi as a second instead of on his own (though that is not something I have to worry about for quite some time).

Edited by morella
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Kaeris is a bad one for collodi, damage shield, lots of blasts and ranged attacks hurt, plus she gets good stuff from killing constructs in some cases. I'd definitely take something other than pure dolls for her. The rail crew sounds like it may be another but don't know for sure yet.

That said with the right strategy you can still win. Mobility is a huge advantage and nobody out maneuvers collodi with 4 marionettes (at least not since the, well deserved, Dreamer cuddle). Colette and Kiria are the only real competition in terms of speed.

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That said with the right strategy you can still win. Mobility is a huge advantage and nobody out maneuvers collodi with 4 marionettes (at least not since the, well deserved, Dreamer cuddle). Colette and Kiria are the only real competition in terms of speed.

And gremlins, those little buggers are quick. Each little 2 point significant bayou gremlin can move up to 15" per turn. I hates them I do.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You could also go something like this:

Activate collodi, hand out fast like candy, activate all 4 marionettes.

Marionette 1: walk x 2 so you are 7.99999999 inches away from collodi, then pull strings that last .001 and place collodi as close to treasure as possible.

Marionette 2: 0 into base to base with collodi as close to treasure as possible then act as marionette 1 such that the third marionette will be standing on the treasure when it retracts.

Marionette 3: Retract into base to base such that it is standing on the treasure, (1) or (2) to pick it up then (1) to hand it to collodi. If possible pull strings back towards your deployment to begin bringing it to safety. This moves collodi, it does not push him so I believe he can hold onto the treasure while this is being done to him, although in all fairness this could be an old rule interaction swimming up out of the depths of my memory.

Marionette 4: Retract into base/base then double walk and pull strings to place collodi somewhere safe.

Just Curious.... Are you in machining. I don't see many references in miniature games taken out to thousands. :-)

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