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Weird Journal: Wyrd Miniatures Fanzine

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Yes. You read that right.

We all loved Wyrd Chronicles and we wish we had more...

Perhaps one day we will.

Many have tried to produce a Wyrd fanzine, but none have ever succeeded...

Until now.

Thanks to Chucklemonkey, this project started in May 2012 and with the hard efforts of all who have contributed, and Wyrd's blessing, it has finally come to fruition. It might not be perfect (I tried ok!) but it shows an essence of the hobby not even Chronicles could convey. Now this is only the beginning, and with your help we hope to kickstart a new age of "showing, not telling." So pick up those paint brushes and shuffle that deck, coz things are about to get... "weird" ;)

Here it is Malifools! Rejoice!


Weird Journal :1_Happy_Puppet2:

Also check out Tartan Skirmish Radio's podcast for an interview with Chucklemonkey and my, apparently deep voiced, self =]

We hope to keep this going, and show just how amazing this community is, but we need your help. If you would like to contribute to the fanzine, please contact Chucklemonkey or myself. Questions and feedback welcome!

Thank you!

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I think it's worth noting, since most people are likely distracted by the Gencon previews, that our next issue will hopefully include Gencon articles (and lots of Puppets!). Since neither Chucklemonkey or I will be going to Gencon, we would appreciate anyone who would like to contribute their Gencon experience.

And just to publicly thank them, the contributors were:



Demonn Agram




And art courtesy of Tuesday

Thanks to them all =D

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Gratz on your inaugural issue!

Might I make a suggestion and I don't know if it's just me, but when reading a battle report I feel that I can get into the report better with a "starter" close up of the crews or army that are participating.

Not only would if help immerse the reader, but I feel if a new'ish or even non-malifaux player happened to be reading this it would help them immensely with recognition.

Thanks to everyone for their efforts and keep up the great work!

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I can't quote properly from my phone but regarding crew photos, I can safely say that's my fault and I left the request for them too late.

Brugly did kindly provide photos of the crews from the league he was running but as they didn't exactly match the crews for that encounter they were left out.

Shouldn't happen again.

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While I appreciate Chucklemonkey defending me, I must take some of the blame. I normally do take pictures of the crews before a battle report. For some reason I forgot this time. Sadly, my opponent is not a regular player, so I was unable to get a shot of just the crew in question after Chucklemonkey asked for it. I will not make the mistake again.

I just finished reading the magazine myself, and I am quite happy with the result. The other contributors did an amazing job. I am quite happy to have been included in this project and look forward to seeing it continue.

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No worries Bruglyother, this magazine is just as much a statement of community spirit as it is an attempt at producing quality additional content. It's why I placed my first attempt at Photoshop on the front cover and it's why I held back on completetly redoing the whole design (it will change though), because we're not doing this for profit or prestige, but because it's a worthy branch of our hobby and is worth doing, even if we don't do it "right" the first time =D

If only I could have that same attitude with my painting =p

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Hey let me know of you need help with some future issues. I a graphic designer an I would like to help with the look and layout. I specialize in printed materials such as magazines and books. I know it's not printed but same concept.

I tired to start a fanzine about 4 or 5 months ago but we didn't have enough writers and just never got the ball rolling. I'm always looking for fun new projects and I love malifaux so I would love to help out

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I just finished reading the magazine myself, and I am quite happy with the result. The other contributors did an amazing job. I am quite happy to have been included in this project and look forward to seeing it continue.

I personally think EVERYONE's contribution was excellent. I wasn't trying to be critical, just point out that whenever I've read teh D Battle Reports I've always sat and stared for a long time at the Army's featured in the report.

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