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Jack daw and levi together in 35pts or more


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Is it worth haveing Jack daw in a 35 pt match with levi?

I can see it as and advantage to takeing out masters if they and in jack daws lethal aura, which means yes he is close to the enemy but means they cant soulstone on cheat on flips when i cast unatural wasting on them or once there on 2 wounds try and turn them into a waif or steampunk abomination.

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Yes, they work great together. I don't take Levi without Jack Daw these days.


As far as Rusty Alyce, she's not good for everything. She's good for helping protect a waif, and filtering cards, but only if you've got other plans for her as well (burn out). Not worth 8 points to protect a waif. Otherwise the Guardian would see much more use. :)

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Here's how it goes:

On later rounds, after Leveticus does his first-turn stuff to get a second Waif, pick a target.

Jack Daw runs up near that target and does his spell so that nobody can Cheat or spend Soulstones within the aura.

Everyone tries to kill Jack Daw, and they find that they can't.

Then, Leveticus rolls up. He filters his cards with Death's Lessons to make sure he's got some good flips. He moves closer with Necromantic Sacrifice if he needs to do so, but make sure he doesn't get into Jack Daw's aura.

Then Leveticus casts three attack spells and kills the target. Their resistance sucks because they can't Cheat and Leveticus can, and they can't Soulstone and Leveticus can (but shouldn't need to unless they luck out on the resist flip.) If he can manage it, he turns them into a Steampunk Abomination to add insult to injury. Either way, make sure he ends up with exactly 1 Wd left -- you have to do some math beforehand to make sure this works out right.

Properly run, Leveticus should be able to kill one target of any size every round with this setup.

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