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Hoffman - Assimilate



A pretty straightforward question, are the abilities gained through assimilation kept only for the turn they are taken or for the rest of the encounter?

I ask simply because the wording uses 'gains' which to me sounds like it basically just stacks up with the rest of his abilities/spells etc however my opponent pointed out that because it doesn't specify how long the Talent/Spell is assimilated for, Hoffman may only use it for the one turn and must re-assimilate the same Talent if he wishes to keep using it.

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Yes and no.

The protect chain is a good example (and this also works with the doppleganger taking link from someone). Hoffman assimilates Protect(1). He then cast it on a model. His totem can also now cast it as he has it "for the turn", and then cast Protect on something else. Protect says it last until the spell is cast again on another target or one of them is removed from play. He won't have to re-assimilate it again next turn but still has it (though the totem can't re-cast it until he re-assimilates it).

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