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Malifaux paint and play league.


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What: Malifaux paint and play league,San Luis Obispo CA

When: July 12 - Aug 3

How: 15 - 35+ soul stones, no faction restrictions (jumping around factions is fine). Scoring will be win 3pts, tie 2pts, loss 1pt. Each painted figure (started after 7/5/12, prime & assemble ok) will be worth 2pts. Games played Thursdays at Nemo's (563 Higuera Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401) or Fridays at Game Theory (Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo CA building 8, room 220)plus 3 per week outside (for locals who can't make game nights, for painting post pics to the slogaming forums). Awards to highest combat total, painting total, and combined (only 1 award per person). $5 entry, all entry to go to prizes.

Any Questions, let me know

Edited by MudgeBlack
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