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Could use a couple clarifications for my gremlins :)



Hi guys, new Malifaux player here, and I'm just looking for a couple of clarifications on some of the rules.

1.) When Ophelia uses "Ooh, a Girl!", how does that push work? Does there have to be a completely unobstructed path in between her and the target, or can a gremlin even clear large walls, etc. in an effort to satisfy his lust? Based on my reading of the rules and errata it seems as though they can traverse any terrain to get into b2b, but this seemed way too good so I wanted to clarify.

2.) Companion. Ophelia has a (0) ability that lets a friendly gremlin activate immediately after her. I was wondering how this works when I'm using companion to activate multiple kin models. For example, I activate Ophelia. I also announce that I will be activating Francois and Raphael, meaning all their activations happen at the same (one after the other). However, she uses that (0) ability to activate a slop hauler. Does the slop hauler activate after Ophelia, or after everyone who is activating with her. I've looked around but haven't been able to find a crystal clear answer.

3.) Reckless. Do I have to declare this at the start of their activation or can I declare it at any point? For example, I move and shoot. The shot misses, but I really need to kill the target, so I use reckless to fire again. Is this allowed or do I need to make that decision before doing anything?

That's it for now, I may have more later. Thanks for the help!

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1) Any gremlin within range can be placed in B2B: Gremlins will do anything for a chance with the honey ;P

2) In Dumb Lucks interview with the Aethervox he said that the (0) action would have to come directly after her activation ended, so even if Ophelia companioned another Kin or two, her activation would be directly followed by the model affected by her (0) action. That's certainly how I've always played it.

3) As far as I know they can choose to use Reckless at any point in their activation, so they only need to use it where needed

That's how I've always played, but I'm not saying their right ;P

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1) as long as there is a clear path somewhere on the table to get there they can be pushed into base contact. however, remember that it is "target" gremlin so there has to be LOS from Ophelia to the gremlin you want to move

2)The (0) activated model takes his action right after Ophelia, before the companioned models.

3)you can reckless at any point in your activation

Hope this helps

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