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so who has used them and what was the success rate.

Neverborn Crew - 25 - Scrap

6 Pool

  • Gupps

  • Gupps

  • Weaver Widow

  • Coppelius

it tempting as you would really be fielding

Neverborn Crew - 34 - Scrap

6 Pool

  • Weaver Widow

  • Coppelius

  • Alp

  • Alp

  • Teddy

and that is a pretty decent grow %. The odds are not horrid as Corpelius gets an eye, makes both gups fail their test, does 3 WD to each, then gets the second eye. This causes the Weaver to draw you 2 cards so w/ a channel on the teddy cast you'd see 10 cards looking for a 10+ of masks.

If your hand was great you could even throw in a wicket doll as you'd have enough AP to summon one.

The synergy in the bunch is suprisingly decent, you just are hurting a bit the first few turns on crows and masks.

But your board positioning would blow chunks as you'd hardly move turn 1.

The dreamer is also tempting as you could burry the bunch and unburry it further up field, but I'd like to have enough points for atleast 1 daydream.

Still 1.5 points a corpse counter is tempting, and blood counters / eye coutners for the taking.

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You really do amaze me when you come up with these innovative lists :D I love it, as always :P

Board control is the main problem I see, that and alps, teddy and the weaver arent fast anyway by neverborn standards, so you both lose a turn, and have a slow crew to use.

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yeah, you'll get to the middle of the board;

Alps are Ok, they can heal & cause WP duels. The weaver causes Morale duels and then Corpelius ups the damage for those, and Teddy might get a free charge. If models are affected by Terrifying the list gets a significant boost. Pandora adds damage and can cause morale duels as well.

The alps are not great, but at 25 points it is hard to justify spending an AP to blow them up (unless you start sufferring slow and start taking wounds from that).

But you'll get to the middle of the board; that's it.

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Place weaver as far forward as possible, both gups in btb and corpelius next to the weaver.

Activate gup 1, pass

Activate gup2, pass

activate corpelius, if you have a crow, hit the gup and take an eye. Both gups need to make morale checks.

Fail both, gup1 dies gup2 has 2 wd. Draw to cards from weaver. If cards allow get a second eye, summon an alp and move 6".

Activate weaver, take the corpse tokens so she can cast create plaything. If you have the card either move and cast or also create a wicket doll. If not channel for the positive flip.

You now have a teddy, 65% chance as you saw 10 cards and one of 5 cards can pull it off.

Next turn you can use an eye to summon the second alp

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because Pandora can do it better at 25 points.

Dreamer does it better at 30 points, (altough I'm unsure if summoned Teddies are nightmares)


Pandora's +/-'s

+ Remove immumity to WP duels, this helps your big 3 models.

+ can cause morale duels

+ Provides activation control (incite / passify), this really helps Teddy live longer.

+ Alps are better w/ Pandora.

+ 6 ss cache

Dreamer's +/-'s

+ Bury turn 1, unbury turn 2 (might work on Teddy) this gets you extra AP to get some Wicket Dolls

+ Get a Second Teddy (maybe, as they are not hired the rules get fuzzy)

- 3 ss Cache


+ 6 SS cache

+ 2 earthquakes to get stuf moving a little faster (then she moves)

+ 11 cards seen vs 10 for the others

+ Alps can be used as swaps for possible "summons" (transposition)

- Lillith wants some high masks for transposition.


- no clue.

- honestly

- never played her

(Bayou Two-Card & Crystal ball seem like it helps get a Teddy out, but nothing to Obey)

at 30 points you get the bonus of daydreams (3) meaning you can unburry turn 1 and get a pretty sexy charge off from Teddy turn 1. The extra soulstones also help a lot. Might event be viable to go Avatar instead of 1 daydream.

the extra 5 points is kinda meh, 6 points is money as you can swap corpelius w/ Nekima and a Tot, Then a second Teddy becomes likely as all your beaters drop 3 tokens.

If Nekima drops to 12 I'll be buying her; no other rules changes required :)

Edited by bashamer
read zorrida
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Activate gup 1, pass

Activate gup2, pass

activate corpelius, if you have a crow, hit the gup and take an eye. Both gups need to make morale checks.

Fail both, gup1 dies gup2 has 2 wd. Draw to cards from weaver. If cards allow get a second eye, summon an alp and move 6".

Activate weaver, take the corpse tokens so she can cast create plaything. If you have the card either move and cast or also create a wicket doll. If not channel for the positive flip.

You now have a teddy, 65% chance as you saw 10 cards and one of 5 cards can pull it off.

I think the Gupp falls beck... means the gupp is running 6 Inches away from Coppelius...

Before you can hit him again you have to go to him... and the Widow has to move to him, too to become the needes Corpses...

Should be this:

1) Gupp 1 activates: Attacks Gupp 2 two times... (makes 2 Wds and Poison 1)

2) Gupp 2 activates: Regenerats 1 Wd, gets 1 Wd from Poison, Defensive Stand, Pass.

3) Coppelius activates:

- Hits Gupp 2 with Trigger -> Gupp2 gets 2 Wds and copppelius gets one Eye

- Both Gupps have to make a WP -> 12 Morale Duell... make Both fail...

- Both Gupps gain 3 Wd, because auf Night Stalker and die... they drop 2 Coppse Counters each.

- Draw 2 Control Cards because of Inhale Terror.

- Summon one Alp...

- Do something else with Copelius

4) activate Widow: Collect Corpses, summon a Teddy, do something else with the Widow..

Negative is that in this case you only got one Eye out of the Gupps...

If you let the Gupps flee... (so not let them hit each other)... Copelius and the widow have to walk after them.

I think that would be woth it, isn´t it...?

Edited by Koali
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gup 1 already dies at it takes 3 WD when it fails the test, gup 2 may have to pass, then fail.

hrm, not liking this too much. going to have to play with some bases to see how things end up. Getting 2 eyes is going to be hard, getting 1 eye is still pretty easy; attack once, attack the second, get an eye; cause the duel, both explode upon failing the check.

Oh it runs double it's move towards the closest table edge, doesn't care if it moves towards the thing that caused the check.

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