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in the dead heat of tuesdays nights. Riw Dead heat campaign league


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Join us tuesdays starting June 19th through august 14th for our spin on dead heat malifaux and a beginner friendly league in one! Games can be played league is focus on fun and learning malifaux and of course dead heat. So if your new bring your stuff, if your a vet bring your stuff and lets flip some cards and gain campaign points rules forthcoming joys of postonf at work.

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A Malifaux League to help you play The Dead Heat world Wide Campaign.

League will follow all campaign rules for picking attacker and defender as and what location is as being affected. All Game results need to be reported to League Organizer- Joe either by paper or via email, both players involved must submit to confirm results. Games don’t have to occur at league night to gain points, for campaign and for league however all games done on league night receive double league bonus.

League pts 3 for a win, 2pt for a draw, 1pt for a lose. Double if played on league night, That’s right a lose on league night worth a draw any other. Results of previous weeks games due Thursday, so I can enter them for credit in the world wide campaign.

Additional if you show up league night ready to play Malifaux you earn 2league pts

League winner will be determined by number of total pts earned over the course of the league, Organizer is ineligible for prizes.

Additional pts you can earn;

Play the same Master in 2 games +1 league

Play a different faction than your last game (either you or your opponent) +1

Play everyone one in the league on league night(doesn’t have to be all in one night) +5

Show me your Receipt for malifaux items from Riw bought on league night +1 for every $10 spent.

Played a game using that week’s Theme +1

Themes will be announced prior to that week.

Winner will get up to a $20 blister of their choice of Wyrd miniatures.

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