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Greetings from Tennessee

Ensis Ferrae

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Hello all,

The Missus and I, after some "heated" discussions, have started to play Malifaux. We're both long time gamers, and have always been looking for one which we'd both enjoy playing together. With our recent move from Germany to Tennessee/Kentucky, we lost our previous gaming groups, and all that goes with it, but hopefully we'll get something going soon.

I just recently got the Alexandrias' Crew for her, and the Collette Crew for myself, so I know we're both in for steep learning.

Looking forward to getting the minis in, and our first game, as well as learning all I can here.

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What part of Tennessee are you hailing from... if you happen to be in the Tennessee Valley in Lincoln county or so you are a quick drop from Huntsville. I am trying really hard to get a larger Malifaux community here. We have about 25 plus persons playing, adding more and more every day. We play here fyi...


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Unfortunately, that means you'll have to settle for beating up on me and playing my friends instead *wink*.

We play at Wargames LLC- there's been a bit of a lull lately as we're still GW dominated and 6th Edition has a lot of folks distracted at the moment. Once I am back from my vacation on the 26th, I'm going to start ramping up again (with a break here and there to play some 15mm fantasy).

PM me if you wanna set up a game or have questions about the vibe of the store.

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