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Anethma, Carrion Effigy, and others

E.T.A. Hoffman


Hi all,

So I'm confused a bit on how this works. There are effects in this game, like the ones I mentioned in the title, that remove immunities to moral duels. Such as anethma for example. This ability removes any immunities to moral duels. Now that much makes sense. But this is what does not.

Say Avatar of Imagination comes out and is staring down a Peace Keeper. The Peacekeeper is a construct, so is immune to moral duels and influence. Anethma by passes both of these and makes the model run in terror... or does it?

The rule of moral duels is specific to living models. So, even if Anethma removes immunties to Moral Duels, the constructs and undead would still not be affected by it. Cause they are, by definition, not subject to that rule. The rule itself only pertains to living models.

Do I have this correct? Are undead and constructs designed to never take moral duels in anyway? Reguardless of source? Except for Pandora of course.


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Couple clarifications, Morale Duels are not limited to living models, Terror is a form of a Morale duel, and in that particular case it does only affect living models, but if you don't inherently have immunity to morale duels you will still have to take non-Terrifying Morale Dules.

Terror will normally only affect a living model, however Anathema is a special case, as it specifically says two things.

First it says that it affects all models that do not posses Anathema, so this overrides Terror's normal limitation of only applying to Living Models.

Second, Anathema specifically says it also overrides any immunities to morale duels. So even if you are undead, a spirit, or a construct, and normally immune to morale duels, you'll still have to take a terror test from a model with Anathema.

The easiest way to look at it is that Anathema not only broadens the models its Terror can affect, but also removes any immunities they might have to it.

Please see the Rules Manual Pages 56 and 57. The fine points between WP duels, Morale Duels, and Terror can be a little bit tricky, but looking at those pages will help you out.


Edited by Fetid Strumpet
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Nope neither of you are correct, Anathema has two clauses, one that removes Morale immunity, the other that makes all models without Anathema affected by terrifying (not just living)

---------- Post added at 06:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:26 PM ----------

Couple clarifications, Morale Duels are not limited to living models, Terror is a form of a Morale duel, and in that particular case it does only affect living models.

True, though it's worth noting a lot of non-loving subtypes have immunity to Morale duels, not all do. Also note that being immune to Morale duels doesn't make you immune to falling back, just most of the causes of it.

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