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Leveticus Post-FAQ


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So considering the Faq takes away Levis hiring conditions and first free Waif, it's time for a whole new reassesment of the old man :)

What about:

Leveticus -40SS/ 7 Cache

2 Gremlins (the Waifs need to come from somewhere n'est-ce pas?) - 4

Ashes and Dust - 1

Hamelin, the Ratcatcher -9

Nix - 7

Would be fun, wouldn't it? :)Only unfortunate he can no longer hire a single Rider for his avatar form :(

Edited by Adanedhel
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  • 2 weeks later...
Also u cant have Hamelin, the Ratcatcher or Gremlins (not sure who Nix is) with leve

Pariah:Crews containing this model can only hire Constructs, Undead,

and Soulless models.

ERRATA: - 'Pariah' should say "This model may not connect a Totem".

Technically, that's the errata right now.


I like your crew. But don't you think you need a Ratcatcher and some Malifaux Rats? And maybe a Performer and Mannequin?

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There's a tournament this weekend with two Brawl games on Sunday. If this isn't updated by then I'll be running Leveticus alongside Hamelin with no restrictions on Hamlein's crew selection :)

How'd it work out? Have a brawl report describing the facemelting awesomeness that resulted?

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Yes, yes, we want a battle report ^^

---------- Post added at 02:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 PM ----------

Wait, I just realised, with this pariah fix

and the fact dat Leveticus is a merc

anyone fancy a Z+Levi brawl, do it swift now it's still legal :)

(and take a raptor to get your 2 Waifs turn 1)

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Hmm. Did they took away the x-faction hiring too? No more riders for Levi? Seems to be a typo.

You're trolling right? The whole thing is a typo,lol. Levi has the same hiring rules he always had. They just clarified the totem hiring rules. This is really going too far with what we all know is just a typo.

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You're trolling right? The whole thing is a typo,lol. Levi has the same hiring rules he always had. They just clarified the totem hiring rules. This is really going too far with what any reasonable and logical person know is just a typo.

Edited in bold to make a point;

I don't like needing to trust on my opponents being either reasonable or logical, I prefer that the rules make sense, rather then needing fiat from reasonable persons before playing something.

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Edited in bold to make a point;

I don't like needing to trust on my opponents being either reasonable or logical, I prefer that the rules make sense, rather then needing fiat from reasonable persons before playing something.

What are you going on about? My statement had nothing to do with an opponent. As the Levi player, you know this is a small oversight that will be fixed. If you are palying against a Levi player who is trying this asshatery, just find another person to play. Its just a game people. Don't get your jimmies rustled.

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Few choice if you're going to tournaments, you'll get paired up, and your only choice will be wether to forfait if you come vs such an opponents.

As the Levi player I know that if at a tournament my opponent would comment on it, he would technically be in the right to force me to swap crews to an all Outcast, and the judge would have to say he's right.

Also he would be in his right to declare that I don't get a first waif (also part of Pariah), forcing me to play at Cache:-4, playing at -2 is bad enough, playing at -4 is just ridicolous, and only because the guys who posted the FAQ didn't doublecheck just what they did. I refuse to need to have RAI arguments, because the FAQ was badly thought through, when a simple replace this model cannot attach totems with..., instead of Pariah.

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Well, if I am the henchman running that tourney and someone tried to pull something so absurd and wouldn't back down - I'd kindly ask them to pack up their toy soldiers and go home.

Now there is a Henchman. In regards to the Levi change though, I believe that if it did create a problem in the community then they would change it. As it stand me as a Levi player, ain't worried :P

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As the Levi player I know that if at a tournament my opponent would comment on it, he would technically be in the right to force me to swap crews to an all Outcast, and the judge would have to say he's right.

As read by computer, this is accurate.

I would be very surprised if any Judge in any tournament ever rules this way, even though it's technically correct.

If someone did, I would love to hear about it, because it would be hilarious.

I refuse to need to have RAI arguments, because the FAQ was badly thought through, when a simple replace this model cannot attach totems with..., instead of Pariah.

I wish you luck in your desire never to have RAI arguments. I suspect you'll have difficulty with that, especially with this particular typo.

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