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Guild vs Rezzers?


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Justice is very useful, and the exorcist seems like a solid choice. If you have them and know how to use them, Guild Hounds can do a decent job disrupting Resser plans. Generally, though, the fewer disposable minis you have, the better: I play ressers, and when I see lots of cheap models across from me, I see targets that will become fuel. The Death Marshals theme plus austringer(s) is a good start, in general. Also, anything with a high defense is going to cause Ressers trouble, as usually only mercs and masters have good CB.

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Lady j to sac the corpse, marshals and executioner.

My list would be:




2 dogs


Marshal or stalker

I would drop dogs and student for marshal and exorcist if you want.

Basically a that list can dea excess counters and which mindless zombies are, deals with most strategies well. My fav thing to with that is roid executioner and dropping him in nicos face. Nico will have a hard time dealing with executioner. Sac counters first then attack three times you will burn up his ss in no time. Executioner will likely die but the damage he will have done will be enough.

Dogs with melee expert can easily take on just about any part of nicos crew, also if nico has a counter on him they get 1 charge which can be brutal, 16" charge threat plus 2 follow up attacks EACH. Lots of chances of red joker damage. 6 attacks from the dogs is another way to burn Nico ss. Once nico dies he is done. Lucius is incrediblely tough for ressers to deal with because of his neg twist and their low cb, just keep him away from punks.

Stalked helps remove paralysis from your crew, which negates nicos most offensive spell, so keep stalker back away fron threat.

Edited by Mr. Bigglesworth
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von schill ignores hard to wound and gaines an aditional :+fate to damage flips against undead, combined with serious maneuverability (something guild allways have issues with, allthough lucius does help) and a 3/4/5 cb6 gun with (:tomes)brutal causes rezzers enormous grief, he is also good a grabbing schemes and with a cache left is pretty much unkillable, main issue is nico's paralize spell, allthough wp6 with use SS is quite a job to overcome.

if you do take von schill be prepared for a mirror match, he works amazingly for rezzers :P

only take lucius if you know how to use him fairly well (assuming your playing fairly competetive) he can be amazing but the lady J slingshot only works once so dont take him just for that.

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von schill also clears corpse counters, meaning you free up that need from other models. And as mentioned, he is loads faster than most guild.

EDIT: Also, von schill is stubborn, so his WP is at 8 against Nicodem's CA of 7 for Rigor Mortis, so Nicodem is actually at a disadvantage trying to paralyze him.

Edited by PierceSternum
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Any of the Death Marshalls especially Lady J would be great against Ressers.

for 25 ss I'll probably play this list (pending Strategies and Schemes):

Lady J 4+1 ss

Judge 7 ss

Executioner 7 ss

Death Marshall 4

Exorcist 6

You can switch out the Judge and the Exorcist with Nino or an Austringer for more ranged support.

I know you said it would be most likely Nicodem leading the Resser's but in case you see Kirai, I would switch out the Death Marshall with a Witchling Stalker and would definitely keep the Exorcist (he can give other model's melee weapons Magical). So either switch the Judge with the Witchling Handler or keep the Judge and use his attack spells against Kirai's spirits.

Good luck!

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I understand these strengths that Von offers. The positive to hitting undead isn’t that great because it is only offered on his Knife if I remember correct and if it is on gun, that is not bad, but his damage output is minimal compared to the rest of guild and their built in critical. Min damage on average for guild models is 3 so hard to wound doesn’t really worry guild minions. Since we have so many like that taking another model for damage output really isn’t worthwhile. A better model than Von against undead is Nino, since most ressers don’t have the threat range to reach Nino, and because of their low def, trigger happy is almost an auto trigger, give him fast, you are looking at dropping one-two models a turn without a problem. I am not advocating for Nino, just using him as an example. Brutal is great because it is a suit that guild don’t readily use often.

Lucuis without the slingshot is a better choice. His def against casting is better, focus only option to mitigate his negative and even then I would take the need for him to use his 2 general ap to paralyze. Lucius is at a deficit of 1 while Nico is at a deficit of one against Von. 1 is deficit when dealing with non damage duels is not that much for attacker or defender, it comes to luck of the draw and hand. For example if Nico has a 13 in hand and Von has a 12 than it is the luck of the ss flip. A neg flip on the other hand is far more of a deficit. I think Lucius overall stands a better chance because to mitigate the deficit, Nico has to channel casting which means using 2 general ap which means he is only left with his casting expert. While against von he can use casting expert and still have general ap which is better (can be used for manifest, movement… options is the name of the game).

Lucius slingshot is not all lucius brings, add guardsman and now you have a high damage pseudo-obey list. Lucius and austringer are scary.

Also lucius doesn’t need to just slingshot j he can slingshot any other minion. J can give melee expert, add a student in and you can give 2 more AP and drop them into your opponent. That right there is the power that is J and Lucius and why Lucius brings something to the crew.

Last Lucius can have a better defense of 6 with guardsman in place of armor 1 and he has terrifying, he also has STD, making his just as unkillable If not more than Von. I have yet to see him killed. Lucius can also speed the whole crew making the crew as a whole better to the objective game than Von who is just add his own mobility.

J and executioner can remove counters schill offers nothing new.

Just felt like ranting. I just don’t see the point of Von with guild.

Last point if you take von just take stalker, stalker is great against Nico because stalker can remove paralyze so shouldn’t need to fear who regardless of which henchman is brought :P.

To op my suggestions do come from assumption you play at 35. If you play at less disregard above rant in regards to game.

At 25 boxset plus student or proxy is amazing, only change would be one-2 marshals exchanged for stalkers:

J 6 stones




2 stalkers

At 30ss

Same list add dogs

Edited by Mr. Bigglesworth
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depending on the mission you flip i would keep my options opened, since you already know you are going against Nicodem in general he has always had serious mobility issues. As people have said his most useful offensive spell is rigor mortis which can paralyze a model and can pretty much stop ANY minion from doing damage before they are taken out.

Next Nico in particular LOVES corpse counters, so take minions that can take out his corpse counters or deny him some. Watch out for Punk Zombies as a recreational Nico player there is nothing I love more than having a horde of Punk Zombies. Even if he doesn't buff them they are still a lethal cb 7 paired weapons with a good damage spread!

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Next Nico in particular LOVES corpse counters, so take minions that can take out his corpse counters or deny him some.

On this idea, perhaps a C.Hoffman all-construct crew is in order. I remember starving Kirai of souls that she eventually had to sacrifice her own model just to feed her spells. Plus, C.Hoffman puppet mastering the Peacekeeper and the Warden could be a killer and the Watcher is great for objective grabbing.

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It works and guild constructs are immune to rigor mortis. It's on par with j Lucius list when facing Nico, a downside is if he brings von. Also a Hoff crew is generally easier to hit and for the lower cb Ressers that is a plus, though crew can usually take well.

Biggest weakness is model count disparity you will always being going last.

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