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Definition of "Discussion"

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discussion - an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic;

I post this simply because I notice a growing number of posts in the rules forum where a question is asked and, as is typical, the community tries to be helpful in posting many perspectives on it.

Sometimes, its an obvious answer or one that has been answered so many times as to have a unanimous flood of responses saying the same thing.

Sometimes, it is not so clear and actual CONVERSATION occurs with different opinions. When its a topic that HAS been ruled on before, links are provided. When it has NOT been ruled on, it often sparks conversation with the Rules Marshall in their own forums.

Its in this ladder case, where the community is not only trying to help the original poster, BUT ALSO trying to help bring clarity to the game itself by discussing what either has worked for them or at least explaining the logic to their conclusions where I am starting to see a growing number of original posters react in a way that I would describe as...


The rules of Malifaux are not the laws of physics. There is not a RIGHT ANSWER until a PERSON decides what the answer is.

Belittling or complaining about people that are taking the time to read your question, give it thought and discuss their interpretations is silly.

This is a public forum. You do not OWN the thread you start, you simply set the boundaries of discussion within it and if people are on topic, STOP COMPLAINING. When rules marshalls are ready to say something, THEY WILL. If the opinions of anyone without a badge irritate you, DON'T READ THEM. Wait for a rules Marshall and ignore everyone else.

Just something I needed to get off my chest after seeing this attitude too often lately.

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Oh no, now discussions are broken. *wink*

Good point though, and I really don't understand if Aramoro's post is a joke or not?

I decided to redefine the boundaries of the discussion. This kind of thread never ends well and it's passive-aggressive nature only serves to put new posters off a forum. The general posting style on the forum can be very condescending, one of the worst I've seen with a few members, such as yourself magicpockets, really going out of your way to be very helpful. I've read the thread that spawned this thread and actually I can see why is was bemused.

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Discussion is ok, but I do love a good debate =D

And for me the core of any good debater, is not the formidability of your argument, nor the effort you make to make people understand it, but rather you're ability to show you understand your opponent and back up that understanding wth evidence that both creates common ground, and supports you personal opinion in a humble and trustful manner. Only someone who lacks confidence in their ideas would undermine their opponent.

What a bizarre post, anyway. I was thinking about something. Can you take Hamlin in a Hamlin the Plauged list? It wouldn't be very practical but is it possible?

From what I recall, no you can't since they count as the same character for the purpose of Unique, like having both Sonnia and her Avatar in play at the same time (an impossible situation, but you get my point).

I decided to redefine the boundaries of the discussion. This kind of thread never ends well and it's passive-aggressive nature only serves to put new posters off a forum. The general posting style on the forum can be very condescending, one of the worst I've seen with a few members, such as yourself magicpockets, really going out of your way to be very helpful. I've read the thread that spawned this thread and actually I can see why is was bemused.

I agree to an extent. Luckily (which has nothing to do with it), I'm a patient panda and am ultimately accepting of others regardless of their idiosyncrasies. Conflict and miscommunication angers me, not people.

I usually stay away from the Malifaux Matters section or at least the rules/faction stuff, but that's mostly because of a lack of interest (the trials of man mean little to a puppet panda). Thankfully, from what I see most people on this forum are polite and good natured, with many being exceptionally talented in the various strategic, creative and social aspects of the game. In contrast to other forums, this stands as my favourite and even "pointless" threads like this serve to highlight the maturity of the wider community.

Now with all that said and done I challenge Aramoro to prove that an Edinbugger is better than a Weegie =P

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People can read(or ignore) what they like. Seeing "aggression" in my post is interesting, though.

I do not believe that sort of thing is in my nature and wonder what other people perhaps project into the things they read, but whatever floats your boat...

I simply wanted to state an opinion about what seemed like a trend I have started noticing in a forum I usually turn to daily for useful rules information. (Even when posters guess wrong about eventual marshal rulings, I still learn things)

If others would rather this forum was different or that I not create a thread like this, that's cool too. If you want to ignore me Cadfan, that's fine. Hopefully sometime I say something useful to you and you change your mind.

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People can read(or ignore) what they like. Seeing "aggression" in my post is interesting, though.

I do not believe that sort of thing is in my nature and wonder what other people perhaps project into the things they read, but whatever floats your boat...

Is this bit a joke or do you genuinely not know what being passive-aggressive is?

Now with all that said and done I challenge Aramoro to prove that an Edinbugger is better than a Weegie =P

It would be such a trivial challenge I don't think we really need to go into it.

^^Oh, I never knew this was off the back of a bad thread :(

Re Hamelin, it expressly states in the Rule Book that models of the same name cannot feature in the same crew - and it even uses Hamelin as the example

It wasn't even a bad thread really.

I think I must have skimmed that bit of the rulebook, boo I say.

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Is this bit a joke or do you genuinely not know what being passive-aggressive is?

I think the problem as I see it is that you keep putting intentions in my posts that do not exist. We do not know each other, yet you assume you know why I say anything.

I really wish I could delete this entire thread. Half the replies are argumentative and the OPPOSITE of what I want in this forum. I posted about a trend I do not like in the rules discussion forum, and specific individuals seem to want to take it as personal attacks and the other half want to tell me why I say the things I do. I have no interest in EITHER of those discussions. I play Malifaux for fun. This thread is not, nor does it help rules conversations, which is all I wanted. To clear out what I perceive to be noise in other threads. Instead, I have created a thread of nothing but noise.

Moderators, please lock or better yet, DELETE this thread.

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Moderators, please lock or better yet, DELETE this thread.

But if they delete this thread, how can Aramoro possibly be made to eat these exceedingly ill-chosen words?:

It would be such a trivial challenge I don't think we really need to go into it

I suppose you think having a cup and two marginally less-insolvent football teams, like, means something!

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I really wish I could delete this entire thread. Half the replies are argumentative and the OPPOSITE of what I want in this forum. I posted about a trend I do not like in the rules discussion forum, and specific individuals seem to want to take it as personal attacks and the other half want to tell me why I say the things I do. I have no interest in EITHER of those discussions. I play Malifaux for fun. This thread is not, nor does it help rules conversations, which is all I wanted. To clear out what I perceive to be noise in other threads. Instead, I have created a thread of nothing but noise.

Pfft you don't OWN this thread, it's now a debate about other things.

I suppose you think having a cup and two marginally less-insolvent football teams, like, means something!

We also have a castle, nicer pubs and most importantly fewer weegies over here. That said our football teams are only very marginally less insolvent than yours, but irrelevant as The Bairns are doing fine.

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@Gruesome: If my post offended you in any way then I apologise wholeheartedly without defence. For what it's worth your post was not a bad idea (even if in the wrong forum ;) ) and you should never hesitate to offer your opinion, even if you foresee some negative "feedback" (sometimes a very loose term). Good luck to you.

I suppose I would rather be condescending than superimpose my mis/conceptions on the opinions of others. Worst case scenario I throw pandas at the problem =]

And Aramoro, don't get into a fight with Sholto, he'll nick your bike ;)

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Pfft you don't OWN this thread, it's now a debate about other things.


Its clear to me why you see aggression in the posts of others, now.

You are right though, this is a "debate about other things". Things which are not appropriate in this forum. As such, short of it getting deleted, lets just agree to let it fade away. I pledge to not reply to it again...

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