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Companion vs Terrifying



I companion three models together, one of which is inside the reach of a terrifying enemy. Do I make the check for terrifying immediately upon declaring the companion group? Or do I make it once I start spending individual AP on the specific model next to the terrifying enemy.

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Can I just chime in here in Cadfan's defence? Especially as some of the more senior players are being a bit impatient with someone who's only been a member on here for a couple of months (I mean, seriously?).

Firstly, I agree that Ratty has said "play it as XYZ" so that's enough to resolve the question. That said, I think what Cadfan is getting at is why has it been ruled that way and what's the difference between how Guild Hounds work and another effect like terrifying - not that they are different, but why are they different?

To put it into context, I explained Cadfan's questions to Oshova in the office and he thought on the basis of how Guild Hounds work that terrifying would affect the model in the companion chain in this example. So if someone who has three years of 'faux experience can get misled by the Guild Hound ruling, I think we should cut Cadfan some slack.

To help explain the situation, as those of us who've been around a while know, sometimes we get Run-DMC rulings (It's like that and that's the way it is) on some stuff just to resolve conflicts and issues - and I think the Guild Hound issue was one of those things. Technically only the first Hound should get the extra walk, but I believe it was ruled to go with the intention of the ability and is an exception to the general way it's played. And that's led to the confusions here (I can't think of another effect which you have to retrospectively work out who was where at the start of a companion chain)

So, as a general rule, afaik you resolve each model at the start of it's own activation in the companion chain (which would mean poison can be removed btw). Which is what Ratty said :)

Hope I've helped settle things down rather than stir up a hornets nest.


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I get it, guys.

Ratty says Y and he's an authority, so just go with that until the rules can be revised," then I'd have done so. Instead, this whole thread was a very "emperor's new clothes" experience for me.

I don't understand what your issue is, I didn't see anyone saying anything bad to you, just explaining how the rule currently works. If people did get a little aggressive (which I didn't see but maybe you did) it is probably because you were arguing with a Rules Marshal. We have to assume that you would have read the Forum Code of Conduct before starting to make posts, the explanations of the icons is in there.

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Alright, since no one else can choke out the real answer to this thread, and after 3 pages I've read between the lines enough to figure it out...

When using Companion, you do all "beginning of activation" checks and resolution at the point where you start spending AP on the model. EXCEPT, as a total one off, you check the guild hound's +1 Walk at the point where you declare simultaneous activation.

No one, including Rules Marshals, will tell you that the Hounds are a one off, and that no general principle justifies it. And if you want to play this game in tournaments, make sure to bookmark this forum the same way you bookmark a textbook before an exam.

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I didn't want to give specifics until me and Kel discussed the exact wording. Here is a Broken down Simultaneous Activation which should cover all the points.

1. Nominate models selected to be Simultaneously Activated.

2. All Models selected count as having Activated at this point. (Abilities like 'On the Trail' check now as it says 'if it activates within')

3. Select each model in the Simultaneous Activation to perform its individual Activation. Repeat a-e below until all of those models have activated

a. If the model is Paralyzed it forfeits its Activation. (Skip to next model)

b. The model's individual Activation Begins/Starts (Poison, Terrifying, Regenerate, and other effects that say 'Begin their activation' happen now)

c. The model's AP is generated.

d. The model spends AP.

e. The model's individual Activation Ends.

4. Simultaneous Activation Ends.

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