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Neverborn vs Kirai

the junkie

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So I have game 2 against a Resser and his Kirai crew. Last game he won 6-3. The many activation's he had really hurt and I am sure to see that again. I took Lilith with the Twins, +1 Lelu, Tuco and such.

In this game two I can take whomever I want, and own most of the models minus Collodi. I can expect to see Kirai + Von Shill and a ton of 2-3 point models for movement and summons.

Who do we have to take on Kirai and Von Schill?


Zoradia + Von Shill?


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The key to dealing with Kirai is firstly to identify whether the opponent is most likely going to be playing Kirai offensively, or defensively. If offensively, Kirai will be near your lines, and certainly near her offensive spirits to gain new Seishin on your models, as well as her spirits' deaths. In addition an offensive Kirai player will be actively using Spirit Food to gain new Gaki from your models' deaths, as well as being in range to give her Gaki the additional dmg to their min strikes, and to take advantage of The Chill of Death to debuff and destroy your models.

A defensive Kirai player will keep Kirai at all times from the front lines, and will use her movement and summoning shenanigans to send Ikiryo and Shikome into your models like heat seeking missiles.

If you can identify the type of Kirai player you will be dealing with you'll have a better idea of how to position your models to achieve the best results. In either case the key to destroying Kirai is to kill her Seishin. Without her Seishin, Kirai becomes very easy to deal with, and her ability to easily gain health or summon new models to destroy you with becomes extremely limited. In essence, as a general rule, if you have the option of going after Kirai or a Seishin, just kill the seishin.

Once they are gone you will either be able to kill Kirai very easily, and without Kirai a spirit crew falls apart very quickly, unless it is already very late in the game, or you will force Kirai to withdraw, crippled, in which case you will probably be able to ignore her pretty much for the rest of the game.

Of the NB masters, really any of them but Lilith is admirably suited for the job, and I think Pandora has a bit of the edge, not the least of which because Kirai's own Pitiful can help you get a two for one deal on damaging her though failed WP duels, and her Seishin fall like ripe corn to all the WP effects you can throw out.

I hope that helps.

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I like pandora, but am a bit unclear on stacking the wip duels. I know you take the dopelganger to add another damage within 12 so thats 2 damage for each fail. I have heard people get it up higher but that seems iffy. Sorrows can be around for another but you putting them at risk for it.

I think he will have jack daw as well. Atleast, he did last time.

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So I had my Kirai game last night and it went ok. We flip shared deliver the message, and I should have soulstoned, because Kirai can complete that one so incredibly easy. It ended 4-4

Kirai got 4 for Delivering 1st on turn 2. I got 4 for Delivering the message on turn 3 and completing Kidnap.

My list: 35 points

Pandora -- 7 Pool

Von Schill [10ss]

Doppelganger [8ss]

Insidious Madness [4ss]

Sorrow [3ss]

Sorrow [3ss]

Stitched Together [5ss]

His list:

Kirai Ankoku -- 7 Pool

Lost Love [2ss]

Von Schill [10ss]

Grave Spirit [1ss]

Seishin [2ss] x5

The Hanged [8ss]

I was able to kill 4 Seishin in turn 1 from double emotional trauma. Von Shill was nice to have in the list because he is always a nice model to have around, but zero synergy in my list. I then spent the next 3 turns killing his Von Shill. Killing so many Seishin required him to sac some models for the super prey guy that was able to summon and deliver the message. I really liked Pandor vs Kirai/ Ressers. It was my first game with her, but I think that used her well with just a few mistakes.

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