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Lucius + objective grabbers, Lucius + nino?


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Hi all, want a themed lucius elite strike force crew :)

Probably taking a lady justice proxy, so have all the guild minions to pick from... Whats a good objective grabber in a guild list? Or in a lucius list? I'm thinking dogs but I dont know how well they fit the theme. They're guardsmen, but I wanted to go for a "elite-hitsquad-kill-bill-middle-of-the-night-raid" kind of thing :P So opinions on that, and what you use as a objective grabber in your lists.

And... Nino. Saw lucius's hidden sniper, loved the idea. Wont use the nino model, will find a more themed proxy, but... How well do you think reinforcements, nino walking once getting into a good position, maybe having a shot turn 1... Nino in place turn 1 seems hard to resist?

That said, I want justice in the crew, so it means she'll be slingshotted a turn later than she normally would... hmm. Not sure if its a good trade off.

So yeah, thoughts? Thanks in advance guys :)

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Slingshotting her is a double edged sword anyway. Yeah, it's real cool to fight the other guy on the first turn, but does it really help on objectives? Usually no. (Even on slaugher, the chance of losing your master and beatstick in one model kind of tempers the "Cool I killed a guy.") I would say that slingshotting on turn two is much better anyway for most objectives. It will give you time to see what your opponent is doing, to get Lucius in a place where you can place Lady J in the correct place, not just near the correct place, and lets you react a little bit to what you opponent is doing, hopefully denying points.

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To be honest, I never take Nino with Lucius... Lucius likes his guardsman, because he can issue order for them to shoot with +2Cb (if he is not reinforcing), and the Drill Sergent can use his aura to give them + flips on attacks. IMO, Austringers shooting with Cb 9 at 12" (2 shots) or 18" (1 shot) with plus on attacks and ignoring line of sight are better and cheaper than Nino shooting at 16". Of course, that does not count Nino's trigger happy trigger that when it goes off is awesome as well.

If you want elite lists, I don't think you can find much better elites than austringers... hehe

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Nino and Lucius offer nothing to each other. That said they will do fine together on the board.

Objective grabbers. Dogs are great but are only significant if they are within 3" of another dog (might be 4"). This is extremely important to understand, it means they are insignificant at any point in their activation that they are outside of range of another dog. This means that a dog has to end its activation close enough to objective then second dog comes either through walking or reinforcements and can than interact. This is limiting with Lady J because unless objective is 6" away from start of activation one dog needs to run up and other dog needs to be reinforced on to the objective to be able to interact in same turn with most shared objective strategies.

Dogs with student and lucius means in 3 activations you could have dog with treasure hunt walking 8" with treasure. Without J they can do this all in one activation.

Also J should only be reinforced first turn if it means better VP, for example I would do so in a contain power to get first turn master kill for extra VP, or easy 2 VP for assassinate. Otherwise I will usually wait to turn 3 after having beefed up a model or two with melee expert and fast for reinforcement. I love to have 2 vanguards sent up before I send J.

Also as to Snords point, your whole objective with Nino is great, but Austringer with Lucius has enough synergy to be a better choice every time.

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I am assuming you're using Lucius as a Henchman since you want Nino in your crew.

Anyway, Reinforcing Nino can be an annoying move from my POV.

My Theory-Faux: (Corner Deployment)

Deploy Lucius and Nino at innermost edge of your Deployment zone.

1. Walk Lucius 10" (2AP), cast (1) Issue Command on Lucius (Legal Target?) so he can make another WALK action. With Lucius 15" + 12" inside the board and within 18" of Nino, cast (0) Reinforcement on Nino. Place Nino with 4" of Lucius. End Lucius' Activation.

2. Depending on enemy's deployment, A model or 2 should be in Nino's Threat range (16-20") and LOS. Assuming a Kill Protege target is within range, Nino casts (0) In My Sights and then shoots the target with 9 ram (If I don't have a high mask or crow control card, I'll probably FOCUS the shot to get a positive flip and hopefully get either card for my triggers). Depending on triggers, most likely the target will die. Scheme Objective achieved.

Basically, this may bring Nino or any friendly model within striking distance of an objective.

A huge downside would be that Nino or any friendly model would probably be killed before Nino/Minion activates or after Nino/Minon activates so don't count on this to carry the objective back to your deployment zone.

I would probably do the Lucius Slingshot towards the end of the turn preferably with you having a 1 model advantage so that Lucius' actions would be a set-up for the alpha strike.

That's what I'll do.. but again, this is just Theory-faux

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I am assuming you're using Lucius as a Henchman since you want Nino in your crew.

Anyway, Reinforcing Nino can be an annoying move from my POV.

My Theory-Faux: (Corner Deployment)

That's what I'll do.. but again, this is just Theory-faux

Yes, That's hopefully the plan. Only problems I see are...

- Lucius gets a :-fate when targetting himself.

- Opponent will likely have cards and stones to dispose of if you're hitting their highest SS minion. More likely to kill by triggering trigger happy and hoping for some lucky cards.

- Yes nino gets stuck out a bit and is vulnerable.

My primary usage was going to be something like this, but use one of Nino's ap possibly to get him into that amazing sniper spot (you know balcony of a building, on top of a rock, with massive fire lanes etc.) turn 1, then potentially have a pop. Turn 1. And if I've hopefully done it right, not many opponents will be able to hit him in melee, anyone who comes close can face the wrath of the governer's secratary's stick, and lady J called up by reinforcements :P

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