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Thanks for the comment! What I love about Malifaux is that I can tell a story with each figure (with games that require huge armies I simply wouldn't have the time or motivation). As you noticed I typically do this by linking it into a larger crew through colour scheme or base, or by adding small extras. M2E releases are looking exciting so this should spur more painting in the coming weeks.

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  • 3 months later...

very nice work. the color tones on the nothing beast are well done.

I dont know exactly why or how i would do it different, but the tara model(not your paintjob) bug me. something about the mutated arm and rediculous sword. i guess i feel the sword should be about half that mass, and i dont like the 2 arms in mirrored pose.

but again thats just me rambling about the model, i like the way you have painted these up.

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Thanks for the positive feedback!

I've spotted a nice repose on this thread for Tara.

The Waldgeist green is a Vallejo colour with GW green wash over it, then highlighted using a GW snot green (or curretn equvalent) with a little white in it. Its what, in days gone by, would have been GW's Forest green and an old favourite colour for wood elves and the like.

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