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Stacking Multiple Auras quetion



I have a 2 part question that I am reasonably sure I know the answer to but wanted to get a second opinion. My understanding is that you can stack effects from different sources as long as they are not generated by the same ability. So,

1. Can a single model generate multiple auras at the same time? Ie. The Exorcist uses (0) Blessing of Banishment and the casts (1) Damning Oratory. My guess is yes because they are 2 different things even though they are both 6" auras.

2. Scenario assuming the above is correct: Sonnia, Exorcist, and 2 Witchling Stalkers are all within 1 inch of each other arranged in a square. The Exorcist uses Blessing of Banishment and Damning Oratory. Sonnia uses Nullify Magic. Each Witchling Stalker uses Disrupt Magic. The net result is where all the circles overlap receives the benefits of only 4 of them (BoB, DO, NM, and DM) since the second Disrupt Magic aura effect is not unique. So friendlies in the overlap get magical melee weapons. Enemy casters in the overlap get :-fate:-fate:-fate to cast until start closing phase and :-fate:-fate between start and end closing phase. And lastly enemies with one of 4 characteristic types can't declare triggers.

My guess again is this is correct.

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