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Guild Hounds and 1 Austringer


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I finally got to paint my Guild Hounds and 1 Austringer. I have the other Austringer drying up and still needs a few layers.

This batch also was the first time I used GW's Agrax Earthshade (the new Devlan Mud) wash and boy I feel stupid for not using it sooner. It made the Austringer's Raptor look like a living bird of prey.

So here are the pics... due to the size of the hounds, it was a bit tougher to focus.

Hound 1 I painted with P3's Bloodtracker Brown with a Rhulic Gold mask. Based it with Ash grey.


Hound 2 I painted with P3's Rucksack Tan with a Pig Iron mask. Based it ash grey.


Hound 3 I painted with P3's Coal Black with a Pig Iron mask. Based it with white snow.


The final Hound I painted with P3's Frostbite with Rhulic gold mask. Based it with white snow.


Hounds 3 and 4 were washed with GW Blue Wash...

The Guild Austringer 2 model


I picked Skorne Red as his coat color. I was inspired the Lucius Red Coat theme I saw on the forums. So basically all my Guild Guardsmen minions will have the Skorne Red color as part of their theme. Besides, my Lady J and Sonnia models already have the Skorne Red color (see my albums).

I drybrushed and washed the Raptor with Cygnus Yellow, Menoth White Highlight and Rucksack Tan (All P3). I used Ember Orange to paint the beak and feet. I was beginning to become worried until I washed the bird with Agrax Earthshade (devlan mud)... this made the bird great looking!

As usual, comments, suggestions, tips and etc are deeply appreciated.

Aside from the other Austringer, I still have 2 Desperate Mercs and the Lucius crew box set to paint. All are primed and ready. I should be done by mid May.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the other Guild Austringer. Took me a while to finish him so I got him done along with my Lucius box.


this dude was also washed with the new GW Agrax Earthshade.

Now I only have the Desperate Mercs duo to paint before I make my new Malifaux order.

Edited by dunce002917
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