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Would this be ok for a generalised Pandora 35ss list? Just trying to figure out what models to buy...









What other models would you suggest I get just to give some variation? From what I can make out, Pandora is a tough master to play against, however I see her weaknesses as:

1) High WP models

2) AoE / indirect attacks

3) players using the incite/pacify movement chain against her as they cheat it when she is open and in a place they want her

4) taking out her crew first then focusing on her

5) opponent just ignores Pandora and her crew mostly and goes for the VP win through achieving objectives, etc

So how do you overcome each of those? Pandora doesn't do that much for her crew does she?


Your list you have is pretty much a solid list for Pandora. In terms of her weaknesses you have to remember that to target her enemies have to pass an initial WP vs WP duel, so you have some finesse on what affects hit you (or make your opponent burn cards in his hand just to use the effect instead of actually cheating for success)

AoE and indirect attacks are something to look out for, you just need to keep her away from such threats and have sorrows attached to her to transfer some of that damage.

In terms of variation I really enjoy using two Insidious Madnesses. They're fast, ranged and offer one of the most brutal WP debuff's capable of making your opponent's side of the board melt if used properly.


I played exactly that list for quit a while. It's a very solid list. You may want to add an arcane effigy for an extra AP on Pandora or an insidious madness for speed.


I'd personally recommend starting with the box set for Pandora... the children are awesome and work really nicely alongside her, add an insidious and stitched personally to take you up to around the 35ss mark... that said if you're set on the twins they cost the same so they're a good swap out for the children and you're then unlikely to need all 3 sorrows


Th problem is that the creepy kids roles have been pretty much totally overwritten by the twins. Same cost, way better performance. Lelu is much better as a combat beasty than Kade could ever even dream. Candy is a slightly different support model than Lilitu, but on the whole I feel Lilitu is much better.

I also find that the primordial magic is MUCH better for Pandora than the Poltergeist. The Poltergeist is neat, but in my experience she can really live or die by her control hand and 1 extra card every turn, and the best casting totem in the game is just pure gold. Especially if you want to cast Dementia on Pandora on the first turn for a massive speed boost.

I tend to not like bringing more than one Sorrow, as I don't often want Pandora closer than her spell ranges, and Sorrows want to be within 3".

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