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I finally finished painting my Perdita crew (http://www.wyrd-games.net/album.php?albumid=349), any tips for my initial outing with the Ortegas?

Companion? who do you usually companion together?

Papa Loco? Do you use him as bait and then blow him up for an (relatively) easy kill?

Do you camp Nino somewhere and let him snipe away?

Can you use Companion and then Obey at the same activation?

Do you keep Santiago and Francisco (SanFran) close together?

Tips, comments and suggestions are deeply appreciated.


Companion: I usually setup kills teams or two or three models. Santiago and Francisco work well this way.

Nino is generally best somewhere with good LOS sniping away.

You may obey and companion in the same activation. Remember when you companion everyone activates simultaneously, you just pick the order of movement. So in a crew with Perdita, her totem and Granny you can companion all three of those with a 4th Family member. Obey that family member three times and then let them take there activation way up the board.


with Papa Loco, I find it's best to run him up one side by himself under lots of cover. My opponents tend to run away from him knowing what he can do and bunch everyone else up for the rest of the Ortegas.

As for companion and who I run with who, it usually comes down to my strategy and opponent. I would recommend not using companion until you absolutely must get something done, and then go to town. This should be for something that the game hinges on. usually getting a strategy, or preventing one.

and the hardest thing I had to learn in Malifaux. Your Master is probably the best model in your crew, but they are just as easy to kill as any one else. Don't rely on them to do everything, losing them is not the end of the game.A lot of players have won games with their master having died in the first turn.

Good Luck and have fun

Companion: I usually setup kills teams or two or three models. Santiago and Francisco work well this way.

Nino is generally best somewhere with good LOS sniping away.

You may obey and companion in the same activation. Remember when you companion everyone activates simultaneously, you just pick the order of movement. So in a crew with Perdita, her totem and Granny you can companion all three of those with a 4th Family member. Obey that family member three times and then let them take there activation way up the board.

I was planning to get Abuela next time... so I guess I need to get the Enslaved Nephilim too.. :P

---------- Post added at 02:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ----------

with Papa Loco, I find it's best to run him up one side by himself under lots of cover. My opponents tend to run away from him knowing what he can do and bunch everyone else up for the rest of the Ortegas.

As for companion and who I run with who, it usually comes down to my strategy and opponent. I would recommend not using companion until you absolutely must get something done, and then go to town. This should be for something that the game hinges on. usually getting a strategy, or preventing one.

and the hardest thing I had to learn in Malifaux. Your Master is probably the best model in your crew, but they are just as easy to kill as any one else. Don't rely on them to do everything, losing them is not the end of the game.A lot of players have won games with their master having died in the first turn.

Good Luck and have fun

I learned that from my last game.. Sonnia died after the Steamborg Executioner drained my cards and soulstones so she died after giving her best to fight back. I would have had a chance to still win or at least tie if only Samael dodged the paralyze the spider swarm gave... in the end, I only had Witchling Stalker left so I only got VP for the announced Schemes... oh well. :P


As for companion and who I run with who, it usually comes down to my strategy and opponent. I would recommend not using companion until you absolutely must get something done, and then go to town. This should be for something that the game hinges on. usually getting a strategy, or preventing one.

This is really sound advice. New players can often get too caught up in the Ortega alpha strike. The thing is Companion is really a double edged sword. Once you're out of activations for a turn your opponent can freely move about so use Companion sparingly.


@Brettqpublic The other problem I see with it is not using enough models. for me when I'm going to companion I go with everyone I can, I'd rather have models I don't need to take the objective than not have used enough and miss the opportunity. It's so far the hardest edge I've had to dance around with the Ortegas.


If you are going to use Companion with the Ortegas, also try to target models that have not activated. A lot of times it is better to wait for your opponent to come into range then activate something, then have your opponent come into range again.

You will also find a play style you like. Some people like the Obey Papa Bomb strategy. Others prefer to avoid Papa.

Head the earlier advice though. Companion is your greatest friend and biggest enemy...

If you are going to use Companion with the Ortegas, also try to target models that have not activated. A lot of times it is better to wait for your opponent to come into range then activate something, then have your opponent come into range again.

This is really sound advice as killing models that haven't activated negates the tempo swinging back in your opponent's favor. It is another reason why I always take my trusty Watcher in Perdita crews.


remember the speed you have Ditas crew can really push outhers around hardcore ive seen in happen a bunch of times shes good at pushing people away from locations you want, but as said befor try not to get to companion happy and alow your oponant to out activate you that would be a vital mistake

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