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My first miniatures for Malifaux


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Thank you dgraz!

I really have a hard time to decide wich Malifaux mini I should paint next. So I let you folks choose for me. So, wich of these should I paint next?

Necropunk (got all three, choose one)

Rotten belles (got all three, choose one)

Grave spirit


Ice golem

Ice gaming (got all three, choose one).

So, now I just have to stop myself from getting new Malifaux minis untill these are painted;)

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Well if you're ready to start December's Cult, jump right into Raspy.

If you're still trying to flesh out your rezzers then I vote Rotten Belle. The one with the fan and closed parasol is my favorite. They're also really good to have on the table.

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McMourning is a damn fun guy. Haha.

I generally recommend painting whatever you are in the mood for. Though I am the kind of guy to save the limited figures for a later day. More painting = more practice = better quality of follow up models. I'd want my limiteds to their best. Reason why I am saving my Miss Demeanor, Miss Pack and Dead Justice Crew. :)

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For this one I did a test using "static snow" from GW. I usually use sodium, or is it called bakingsoda? But after I discoverd that one snowy thing I did a few years ago have shifted from white to a hint of yellow I decided to try this stuff. When you hold it in your hands you can see that the snow actually are like static grass, only tinyer. But for gaming miniatures it won´t be a problem.

But it´s hard to take good pictures on it, because the snow will look a bit blue in the pictures.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, I did not realize that it was so long time since I was active on this forum. Not much Malifaux related painting the last week´s but I started to do the base for a silent One. I will try to finish painting this one in a few nights.


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Quick answer;)

Gates: They are from an "Märklin" set (hobby trains), get them in any hobbystore that sells Märklin thing´s. I used the scale HO.

Snowflakes: Again it´s the snow from GW, actually I don´t like the product at all, but sometimes it get´s handy and I don´t want to throw away almost an entire container just because they didn´t act the way I first thought. I used heavily thinned down PVA glue, brushed it where the flakes would be then sprinkled it over the area. Then turned it upside down and shaked off the "snow" that hadn´t attaced to the glue. Left it for a minúte or two, then took an old brush and positioned it into place.

hope that help´s.

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Thank´s a lot! I have just started him, but Thought it would be fun to show a WIP picture. I´ll probably just need 1-2h more befor it will be done. hope to have the entire miniature done in less then 5h (just building and painting the miniature, not the time it takes for the glue to dry).


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank´s for the kind words.

Last night I started to paint an Ice golem to my arcanist collection, I don´t know if I´m going to stop painting on him or just go for the "little extra". I´ll probably do that once I have got some color on all my Arcanists.

Thought I would show it to you and maybe get some hint´s on improvement.


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Thought I would show it to you and maybe get some hint´s on improvement.

Strip it off the paint and give it another go - it may be better but... I don't think so. It looks amazing - I love the granite texture you painted onto the model, wonderful paintjob, I wouldn't change a thing here.

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