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Hi there, I recently stumbled across Malifaux and immediately loved the minis. I've picked up a few packs and here's my 1st attempt, Colette DuBois.

Apologies for the poor pic, couldn't find the lead for my camera so this is with the phone as the sun was going down (that's the excuses done). C & C welcome :)


  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like it's coming along well so far. if I could ask something. One of the things that my showgirls lack is detail in the faces. It's basically just shadowing that looks good down on the table. But I am trying to study some techniques for getting detail there.

How did you do the blue dress showgirls face? Do you use an ink wash? Or base coat and build it up with highlights, or possibly both?


Hi Oathborne, thanks for the comment.

The blue showgirls skin was done with a base of Bestigor Flesh, a wash of Reikland Fleshshade, layer with Kislev Flesh, 2 to 1 Kislev Flesh with Bleached Bone and finally 1 to 1 Kislev Flesh on the most prominent parts of the face. All paints watered down and built up over a few layers.

Finished her off with a glaze of Bloodletter on her lips and Guilliman Blue around her eyes for the makeup

  • 3 weeks later...

No updates on the bar/bordello, still trying to source some bits like roof tiles and wallpaper but I've finished my Cassandra


And my 1st mechanical dove, I've tried to do it in NMM brass, there's a little NMM brass on Cassandra's sword as well as regular NMM steel. Not done much NMM before so any tips would be appreciated.





Also, thanks to the awesome Troll Trader ebay shop, got Pandora's crew cheap so I knocked up Baby Kade to try out using pigments on his skin. I've tried to emphasize the demonic baby look (seems to work, freaks my girlfriend out). I've based his teddy on the grumpy Care Bear.




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