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NSW - Malifaux April Tourney (Rotting Belle Ball)


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Hey all, it has been a while since we have flexed the cards so to speak so here's a chance to see some familiar faces or new ones...

Will be on the 22nd of April, jot your interest in this thread (your communication of attending will help us greatly to prepare tables,etc)

it will be at Good Games Burwood from 10am and run till about 5.30pm

  • Single Master
  • 35ss Games ****50ss Cache (not including summons) ****
  • 3 Games during the day
  • Shared strategies (these will be pre-determined)
  • Tournament will be capped at 20 people
  • All schemes usable only once
  • Suitable proxies permitted (if in doubt, please pm me)

$10 entry fee with all cash going into prizes


50% -1st

30% -2nd

20% -3rd

Hope to see you there!

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