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So I've decided to finally give Molly a go by running her as a master since no one at my play area ever does, even as a henchman. This is the list I came up with:

Molly 5ss

-Grave spirit [1]

Sybelle [6]

Rotten Belles x7 [28]


Deceptively simple. With enough semi-tanky bodies to do well in objective games, play lure kiting on the living, and to give my opponent's crews target overloading. When needed, I can launch a big enough Sybelle Alpha Strike to hurt something (although killing things should never be the priority of this crew).

What do you guys think?

now, i could be wrong about this... but would a couple doxies be worth it? if just to change it up a tad?

Yes, the thought has crossed my mind but most of the time, Doxies only start being useful midgame, also, costing a soul stone more than the rotting belle, I'd very much prefer to summon them later on when her wound halving ability on a friendly to escape death is less painful to execute as your crew starts taking damage.


Well at best, I could swap out 2 belles for a Rogue Necro. Other than that, Molly's recruitment pool is sadly limited in the combat department. Hence the reason I'm stacking on high wound models to try and tie down the aggressive stuff while I play for objectives.


You pretty much need the Rogue Necro in Molly Games. She will die horribly to Collette, Dreamer, and anything else capable of spamming the Rogue Necro from half-way across the board.

My matches with Molly are always about protecting/supporting the necro while Sybelle makes mad dashes for objectives.


Which is why I found her so ineffective in running solo. Aside from Molly you have one, critical model, who is fragile as glass, so your game generally de-evolves into a game of "Protect the Necromancy until, hopefully, a moment will come that made all the protecting worthwhile."


Yeah RM is a money maker in her crew. Have Molly use Whispered Secret to steal Acid Breath and you can pretty much carpet bomb the enemy with three shots a turn if the totem gets in on the action.

I find Sybelle works best if she hangs back a bit to Call Belle Molly out of dodge. It's saved me a few games.

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