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Hello everybody!!

I want to start with McMorurning, but i dont know what should i buy. I have never played with or against McMourning so I know nothing about him.

I hope you can help me: what should i buy and how to use him?

and sorry for my bad english


I just posted a simillar question... about a month ago...

here is the link to that thread, plus a couple others i used to formulate a well rounded McMourning crew, and get some tactics rolling. =]

I hope this helps

My Post:


other helpful pages:




Les liens que Jewomie à envoyer sont bon. Par contre je te recommande de prendre au moins 1 à 2 flesh counstruc et peux être un Rogue Nécromentie. Pour les summons.

Pour se qui est du crew moi, j'aime bien utilisé le chihuahua et quelque canin remains. Je joue avec Von schill comme henchman et pour le reste je mélange.

So to recap in english, like Jewomie said the links are pretty good to look at.

I personnally have 2 flesh construck and 1 Rn (rogue necro) For the totem i play the chihuahua and i use Von Schill has an henchman. I play with some canin remains and for the rest of my crew i change them often.

My 2 cents

Les liens que Jewomie à envoyer sont bon. Par contre je te recommande de prendre au moins 1 à 2 flesh counstruc et peux être un Rogue Nécromentie. Pour les summons.

Pour se qui est du crew moi, j'aime bien utilisé le chihuahua et quelque canin remains. Je joue avec Von schill comme henchman et pour le reste je mélange.

Sorry this is off topic of McMourning, but I love that you commented in French. I'm studying that at my college right now. It was really fun to attempt to read and translate before reading your recap in English!

+1 Morpsele!


@ RebeccaJo: I think it would have been hard to understand the way i wright in french. I'm French canadian and i do wright alot like how i speak and it's not a very good translation.

For the list. I would not include the Rogue Necromancy. It's so easy to get 8 Body Parts for McMourning to summon it that you should keep your 10 ss for something more usefull and stronger.

Has for your Autopsie i think they are really fluff but they are not good. With the easy to wound it's way to easy to kill.

I would Include some Punk zombie or even one bell.


Pour se qui est de la liste que tu veux jouer. Pour moi je n'inclus jamais le Rogue Necro dans ma liste. Pour 10 Ss je trouve qu'il est trop facile a tuer avant d'arriver au combat. Par contre avec McMourning tu peux le summoner avec 8 Body Parts. Tu peux même le mettre au corps à corps sans problème avec un summon.

Pour le guild autopsie, je ne le joue pas. Je n'ai pas la figurine mais avec se que je connais de la carte, Le modele est trop facile a tuer et apporte très peux dans ton armée. Je comprends que tu veux avoir du tir ou du range mais si la figurine ne passe pas le 1er tour tu perds le tout quand même.

Moi j'essayerais une Belle et les Punks Zombies. Pour le reste je crois que tu devrais tester et jouer se que tu aimes.


Your translations are pretty good, enough to get your point across. I was born in Montreal and raised in America, so my limited French skill is finally being put to use reading your posts!


I have to back up the idea of not taking a rogue necromancy. With McMourning, it is easy enough to summon. I would also agree with the Guild Autopsy also. I have not used them but they don't look great on paper. You really want to get a flesh contruct to summon later and you need some hitting power in your list. I normally run punk zombies with McMourning, they are good in combat and have slow to die which is great. Hope that helped some.


+1 to the rogue necromancy being a summon piece. from what i've been told he dies much to quickly to pay the 10ss... but he does a whirlwind of damage when McMourning drops him right into combat. I like to think of it as some kind of crazy deployment ability.

as for the autopsies, they certainly are not useless. for one they are a significant model for 3 body parts. they have a pretty impressive gun, (impressive for a 3ss model, but impressive none the less) and sure, they don't drop corpses or body parts, but McMourning doesn't need corpse counters, and even though they don't leave bodies behind, they are still pretty good for a late game summon. especially in a claim jump, you could turn the tides of the game by dropping a couple of these. or summon them on top of a building or some other piece of terrain. that way your opponent has trouble getting to them, but they can shoot the enemy to pieces. sure it's not a ton of damage, but the trigger is good, and the annoyance to distraction ratio is always nice. watching them choose between stopping your heavy hitters, or stopping that nuisance that slowly whittles away their health...

So, while i probably wouldn't pay for them up front either, i would certainly not write them off completely. I happen to find them useful. :D


the key thing to remember about mcmorning is he isnt a summoning master, he is much ccloser to a melee master, I rarely summon more than 1-2 models in a game as his (0) actions are more useful sclapel slingin' into (or out of) combat or healiung stuff (also the escesntialy straight 1/2/3 damage flip with no resist is amazing against low wound high df models, or for finishing off tough stuff. as for body parts i have never had a problem in that area, if you play it correctly you get between 5 andd 11 bodyparts from your totem in turn one (and your hand has to be absolutlely terrible to get only 5) and once mcmorning gets stuck in he will be swimming in BPs.

I apreciate that there are several ways to play any master but i realy dont feel that the reduction in mcmornings mobility and cost in BPs early game make running him as a summoning master, it also needs 10 or more of crows to cast, id much rather use that card to trigger rend flesh on a flesh construct.

on the subject of flesh construct vs rogue necromancy, i never play a game without using a flesh construct and am yet to pay for it, 5BPs is easy to pony up early games and is very cheap given its destructive potential. I have never used a rogue necro because I never baugt the model, still i certainly see how, if you activate mcmorning after everything they have (which I tend to do anyway) and dont position him near an asolute combat beast then summoning a rogue necro into combat and then activating it could cause some serious damage to your opponents crew, i look foreward to testing it out though.


Actually, McMourning is just as much a 'summoning master' as Nicodem is. In the average game you should be summoning 2-3 beasts (1-2 Flesh Constructs, and Rogue Necromancy) all things being equal.

McMourning is not really an out-and-out melee master either. Melee masters ideally want two things; damage output and survivability (Lilith's Df 8/10, Lady J's Riposte, Marcus's 'Defend Me'). McMourning is severely lacking in the second department, so trying to get him involved in a big fight will often get him killed. What he *does* do, is create a fairly large zone of killingness (about 11" to be combat effective, walk + scalpel sling, or 16" if you have the hand/corpses/stones for a double walk + sling + dissect) wherein he can pretty much kill whatever he wants. Therefore he functions more like a control piece - he forces your opponents not to leave models unsupported or undefended as they will be picked off by McMourning.

It's the reprisals you have to watch for, and that's why he needs to summon a lot; when your opponent has so many Undead to deal with that he cant efficiently deal with McMourning is when he shines, as he walks round the board assassinating stuff.

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