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so i dont have hamlin but im thinking about getting the box set ive already got a blister of rats for somer. Anyway id like to try out hamlin with his usually rats on rats on ats deal, but brining the gremlin taxidermist and bringing a couple stuffed piglets and trying to summon them in game.

Hi my name is hamlin, your crew cant touch me, i have a swarm of rats and oh by the way heres some exploding pigs for your bitch ass! lol


Certainly not a stupid question its not a valid choice. I Don't have the cards handy at the moment but I do have crew creator and in Crew Creator I trust. Gremlins, although HT1 are not up for hire for Hamelin. I think they have a restriction about working only with a Gremlin Master or something like that. Pigs you can take, though their use to Hamelin is questionable. I'd rather have a rat over a big any day.

I play Hamelin and I did it not knowing what I was really doing. I've never lost with him nor really ever been in a position where I felt too challenged and thats all the fault of the crew mechanics.

Really, taking a HT or insig model other than Hamelin's standard choices is a self handicap. The Alp comes the closest to being useful but still, take to Alps or invest in a Rat catcher or more rats or stolen... its an easy choice.


I didn't think you could take stuffed pigs without a Taxidermist - who is a Gremlin and unhireable by Hamelin?

And yes, Terror Tots can be awesome with Hamelin - with a single 9:masks+ you can have a mature on the board turn 2, and a second not long after - for ZERO net cost.

Also, don't overlook Sorrows with Hamelin, Doldrums (iirc - the paralyse spell) is awesome with Nix. And night terrors work very well too in certain schemes.


you cant take stuffed piglets withou the taxidermist. and i dont know about anything except somers hiring restriction good ole boys...this modle may only hire gremlins,pigs,and vermine.

this modle may join outcast crews or crews containing zorida in brawls.

i just want to try wierd stuff, it throws people off and opponents dont know what your doing

come on get wyrd!


Hamelin's rule Lure of Emptiness specifically says he can not hire Gremlins, The Stuffed Piglets rule Living Taxidermy specifically says they can only be hired by crews containing a Gremlin Taxidermist, and of course the Gremlin Taxidermist is a Gremlin so can't be hired by Hamelin at all.


I may be wrong, don't have him to check the card... But I think Skyhawk may be talking about Hamlin the rat catcher. Not the master. I seem to recall reference to that merc having an ability to let you bring a ht 1 out of faction minion. But then again I may be delirious. Not sure if that would get around the Hiring restrictions or not. Let alone get any stuffed pigs in the list.


There is of course another problem with the whole idea, Rats dont leave Corpse counters will killed or Sacrificed because of Devoured and neither do Soulless models because they are non-living but not undead, so you are completely reliant on your opponent providing them for the Taxidermist to turn into Stuffed Piglets (additionally, the Taxidermists are not exactly great at Summoning Stuffed Piglets in Game needing a +6 :crows to do it meaning a 16% chance).


I dont have hamlin (the plauged), it was just an idea to do something different. But i think im just going to stop comming up with weird ideas and play the game the same way everyone else does.

I guess I'm set to far in my old D and D ways

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