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Hello all,

First time poster, long time lurker.

I've been playing malifaux regularly for about 6 months and after trying my hand with a few different crews, I'm thinking of picking up a Zoraida crew as my main and wondered what you guys thought of the following for a 35 ss list:


Bad Juju




Wicked Doll

Wicked Doll

8 models (once voodoo doll is summoned), 6ss cache

I'm not looking for a world beating power list just something that will be fun, also I like my crews to be in tune with the lore.




Personally i would trade in the wicked dolls for another Silurid... i use them with Marcus and wow they fly across the table like no other... but if you don't have water on the table, they go down easily... so i like to have three in case one is killed off. Plus, Zoriada can summon the wicked dolls with the voodoo doll spell, so you can still use them. this also nets you an extra ss. =]

just my two cents!

good luck


I'd look into dropping Bad JuJu, he really isn't all that good in a Zoraida list. You could go the power "net" list route and play Zoraida with Collodi, which is really a severely strong combination, or you could go a Gremlin route, or almost anything else. The issue I find with Bad JuJu is that he really isn't worth the stones he costs, and continues to drain your cache to keep coming back, the biggest issue is that he is immune to influence, and therefore cannot be obey'd by Zoraida. Personally I find that although he also isn't really better than bad juju, if you are looking to go a more thematic route, rather than a competitive one, I'd recommend the Hooded Rider. The model is awesome, and he is based on the Baba Yaga stories the same as Zoraida.


If you just want to feel how Zoraida works then sub out Bad Mojo for a good obey target. This can be so malt different things it is really up to you, but try a Convict Gunslinger. You do really want the 3 s lurids because they die easily. Though I would sub them out too for a stitched or two.


IMO, Zoraida doesn't really lend herself to these sorts of pre-game lists. She is the most flexible master w/r/t which minions she can hire among the Neverborn masters, so what you should hire really depends on what strategies you and your opponent are playing.

I think Bad Juju is a situational model. I only really take him if I'm playing Claim Jump. He will either summon right on the Claim Jump marker or somewhere near it. I force my opponent to waste resources trying to get rid of Bad Juju or ignore him, either way I gain the advantage.

You may also want to consider a Mature Nephilim, who can be obeyed and costs the same as Bad Juju. The Mature hits like a freight train and is really fast.

I guess my point is, keep an open mind and experiment a lot when hiring your crew w/ Zoraida, don't lock your self into one list or mindest.

---------- Post added at 08:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:26 AM ----------

I also noticed that you are missing the only model that is an auto-include for EVERY Zoraida list: the Voodoo Doll!

You have to have one, they are just too good and they cost 0 SS.


Going to have the reinforce the sentiment of dropping the Juju. I've tried many times to incorporate him in to combat, hes just not meant for it. Hes pidgeon-holed in to staking a claim, etc. Not saying im an expert by any means, hes just not as durable as you might think.

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