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Fire & Ice Tournament Weekend, Cranfield - 17/18th June


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The Fire & Ice Tournaments will take place as part of the BHGS Roll Call multisystem event in Cranfield on 16/17th June.

The event will consist of two basically independant tournaments to try and attract as many people as possible over the two days.

Saturday: 35SS ranked fixed faction scrap tournament to Gaining Ground guidelines

Sunday: 45SS non-ranked fixed faction brawl tournament with a few fun twists

See attached rules pack for more details. Sunday rules may get tweaked slightly (e.g. random core encounters, not shared), but the basic intent is there.

Painting competition will go as follows;

Saturday - best painted 35SS crew (from your pool for the day)

Sunday - best painted figure, 30mm base, from chosen faction (but need not be in your crew)

Entry is good value at £8 for 1 day, £15 for both days. Prizes will be sponsored by Wyrd, Sarissa Precision and KR Multicase.

Venue: Holywell Middle School, Red Lion Close, Cranfield, Milton Keynes MK43 OJA

Where's that: Cranfield is 2 miles from junction 14 of the M1, near Milton Keynes

Facilities: tea & coffee available at the venue, alomg with a buffet lunch at around £3. Supermarkets, pubs & take-aways available in Cranfield (within walking distance of the venue)



1) Sarge :fast :ranged

2) Stomm (TBC)

3) Poulpox :fast :tomes

4) Oshova :fast :masks

5) Magicpockets

6) CunningStunt :fast :ranged

7) Mark :fast :ranged

8) Chris :fast :masks

9) aka hazard :fast :tomes

10) Joel :fast :masks

11) Shakes1066 :fast :ranged

12) Gretster :fast :rams

13) space!

14) space!


1) Sarge :fast :ranged

2) Fantasyfreak :fast :ranged

3) Oshova :fast :masks

4) Magicpockets :ranged

5) Mark :fast :ranged

6) Chris :fast :masks

7) Kingledge :fast

8) aka hazard :fast :tomes

9) Joel :fast :masks

10) Dave C :ranged

11) Martyn C :rams

12) space!

:fast = paid

Edited by Clousseau
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Hello fellow Malifauxers. After having lots of fun at Masters of Bedlam (and getting spanked :1_Exhausted_Puppet:) I am most certainly in for this. Please book me a place for both days, I am assumming you meant weekend of 16th/17th :-)

Looking forward to it....better get painting too!

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Painting competitions will go as follows;

Saturday - best painted 35SS crew (from your pool for the day)

Sunday - best painted figure, 30mm base, from chosen faction (but need not be in your crew)

In addition I have secured sponsorship for the event from Sarissa Precision (laser cut MDF buildings) and hopefully also KR Multicase.

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Looking at booking a table somewhere for a meal on the Saturday night. Anyone up for a curry?

Unfortunately I don't like curry (I know, I must be about the only Englishman that doesn't) however if the restaurant you book has a couple of non-curry choices (steak & chips) then I'd be happy to come along.

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Unfortunately I don't like curry (I know, I must be about the only Englishman that doesn't) however if the restaurant you book has a couple of non-curry choices (steak & chips) then I'd be happy to come along.

No problem - there's a good Chinese restaurant in the town, plus Thai, Meditereanean, etc.

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