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Hi all,

Just about to start a showgirls crew, and I've hit a problem, what bases to use? I was thinking either wooden floorboards like my collodi crew - P1060793.jpg

Or I have a full set of victorian street base inserts.

Any thoughts?


- Cheap.

- Can add a lot more cheap

- I think they look really nice,

- Thematic.

- Can save the streets for something else.


- Already have a crew on those bases, and I think my dreamer crew will be too.

- Everyone does floorboards on colette.

Victorian base inserts, pros:

- Already have most of them so cost isnt too much of an issue.

- Dont know how nice it would look? Would the grey contrast and add to, or clash with, the colourful showgirls

- Different to everyone else with a showgirl crew.


- Some models will look silly, eg, doves and mannequins.

Any thoughts would be appreciated, cheers :)


I'm in the process of basing my showgirls.

Forget about if the floor boards have been over done or not. If YOU like the look of them. Then do it.

I've been finding tons of ideas as started them.

The floor boards can have steps.

I made a magician's table out of plasti card for the small mechanical dove,

I used watch cogs and had one section / half the base rising (for duet)

Going to make a mirror using a blank CD as the "mirror" part,

Easy to strew cards here and there,

Don't know how to do it yet, ... I was considering having a putty curtain behind one.

Clam shell floor lights on the floor,

Have a stash of soul stones under an open floor door.....(trap door?)

All this is really easily done with a few pieces of plastic card.



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