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im new at this, i have check the build in combo in the dreamer, really powerfull and probabli frustrating for the enemy, but i reach to check it coming from collody so y think in this

35 ss

Dreamer + 3 day dreams (6)

collody + PM (10)

4x marionette (8)

2x Stitched Together (10)

remaining SS = 6

you have the speed from dreamer you have de SPEED from collody (about 68'' one turn) and both can do great hit and run tactic, you can let the oponent spent his activations far away, using your marionettes one by one, and then go inand destroy them all. how?

dreamer combo is explained elsewhere i explain here the stitched combo, in fact is all about buff.

First turn activate marionettes one by one waiting for your oponents actions, then :

-Activate both stitched

*use the creppy fog

-Activate Colladi

*give them all Fast(+1) (marionettes too, this save you from using it next turn because it last until theyr next activation and marioinettes have already activates).

*Cast Breathe life for melee expert(+1) con both stitched

-Activate Dreamer

*Cast rapid eye movement on both sitiched they get (2)Flurry

*Cast night terrors Stitched get Terrify ->13

*change to LCB or whatever

-activate day dream

*Clam dreams to Bury both stitched

Setup complete now win initiative if posible and drop the boom using the standart Dreamer combo but tihs time you will hit so freaking hard that dint need to flee back, 3 terrify where you drop the stitched plus no one making charges or shooting from outside the fog. in the first activation you drop and use the LCB combo,

on the next activation you move collodi ( he can cast filled with stones on itself this turn)and atack easy (about 34'' range!!!!) with 2 marionettes with flurry melee expert and fast that are 12 atacks and 12 more from the stitched.

PM is there to cast melee expert on turn 1 and 2 over the merionettes

thanks for read it

sorry for my english mistakes

Edited by Raising

I think you need to read the errata on Pull Strings. The short form is that you can only uses it once per Marionette per turn. So you're limited to about 44" max move and 20" according to your plan.

Other than that: Yep, bury is broken, enjoy it while it lasts.

*goes off to pray it doesn't*

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