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I am currently working on painting up a Malifaux Gang. The gang is lead by Nicoderm who is supported by a trio of Flesh Constructs as heavy hitters (unfortunately the cool alternate miniature only became available after I had purchased a second model and a 3rd party miniature to convert up my extra 2) followed around by a shambling crew of various undead minions, zombie hookers and heaps of shambling hordes.


I have mixed in a heap of alternate manufacturer zombies to my shambling hordes to mix things up a little and keep everything interesting.

The other side to my project is building up a large medievil village including a castle for my zombies to infest.


I am using buildings from a range of different maufacturers including:




unfortunately the cool alternate miniature only became available after I had purchased a second model and a 3rd party miniature to convert up my extra 2

Shame. Time to add a fourth? You did a great job with what was available. And the terrain looks great if not something for my fat hands to accidentally crush.

2 words: Zombie Wang... Just wrong...

Oh!Oh! Is this like Where's Waldo?

Found it!


I've gotten into painting at night while I watch TV, which is resulting in much faster progress with this gang than I have had with my miniature painting in ages.

It's quite freaky but the zombie behind and to the left of Nicoderm is an amazing likeness for me! Its like a warped mirror into a future zombie apocolypse :Confused_Puppet1:

Pictured with Kobblestone Terrain buildings.


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