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Viks and ss cache??


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Hi all, I'm a newish player of malifaux and have been playing a Viks crew (love the Viks), with games usually at 25ss. Our gaming group consists of most of the factions and a variety of crews within. I've been running the Viks crew with either no ss cache or 1-2 ss cache, but I'm considering trying out a few games with of a 5-6 ss cache. My question is, what is your advice on a good number of ss cache for my Viks crew?

Usual suspects in my crew are:

Convict Gun Slinger




Librarian (occationally)

Trapper (occationally)

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A Desperate Mercenary (2ss) or even the Student of Conflict (3ss) can also be very useful to get you to your crew limit when you don't want to spend 5ss on another Ronin.

I don't usually play the Viks with less than 6ss, and often try and max them at 8ss.

The opportunity to cash in an ailing Ronin for 2ss is also worth remembering. I've never done it but 5 Ronin in a 35pt list could give the Viks 18ss to play with. As long as you can catch the opposing crew, that should give you autowin with slaughter I suspect

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I agree that small model count crews can seem intimidating, but the Viks are easily an exception to this. You get two masters on the board and used effectively they can really tear it up. Some of the schemes get a bit tougher, but focus on the killy ones and you will have a much easier time. Throwing sword Vik into the frey with a well timed whirlwind will wreck your opponent and quickly level the playing field if not tip it in your favor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all, thanks for your tips. I played a recon mission at 35ss against Ophelia crew + a boat load bayou gremlins. I took

Viks-ss cache 6


Ronin x2



Took Stake a Claim and Breack through. Having the stones really helped, especially when going up against the little green Pedita. I ended up winning 6pts to 3pts but for a few turns it was close. the stones saved my bacon.

So Thanks again

Edited by Seazan
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Against some crews i can see 8ss cache will be a must, however, this time i tried taking a libraian for the heal flips so i could focus on using ss to hit. worked well but i did loose one Vik to a gremlin alpha strike ( but only just due to a set of realy high cards coming at me and Ophelia's double damage with reckless (I had my revenge though)

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Honestly Seazan I think you would be better of having a zero cache with the viks, they don't need them. Then you can add more models to the crew.

I know I originally said that I take a full cache with them.. and honestly I still do.... but as Jeremy and I were planning our team tournament list for Adepticon (before we decided not to go) he was going to run Marcus with 7 cache and I was running a full 25pt Vik crew with a 0 cache. We had some good tactics, all in theory of course, built that could have been killing combos. Especially with Marcus to give some of my crew the beast quality to buff their WP since I did not want to take Von Schill.

It would have been fun/interesting to play. Maybe next team tournament that we're able to get to, I'll try it out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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