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The Aethervox Episode 14: "Tickled Pink"

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Episode 14 is here! It’s our birthday, and we received the best presents any podcast could ask for. You’ll just have to listen to find out what we unwrapped.

This episode we have the return of Confessions of an Aspiring Resurrectionist by Mike Howell, we chat with Nilus about the Malifaux events going down at Adepticon, Ian chats with Bill from The Gamer’s Lounge in “What the Fluff?”, the Doppelganger is Resurrected, Adrian announces the winner of the Marcus Avatar competition in “The Man Comes Around” and has a special report about a Recent Malifaux tournament he attended at CanCon. Also: Game Reports, New Releases, Incoherent Ramblings, and everything you ever wanted to know about Silurids. Whew. Have I forgotten anything? Probably. You’ll just have to listen to the episode to find out: http://theaethervox.com/

Edited by Prunesquallor
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And with this one coming out I complete my Malifaux Podcast three-peat. Thanks to all three casts for letting me come on and talk Adepticon on all three.

Also a quick correction, We just got official word from Wyrd about Adepticon support. They will be providing tournament prize support as well as swag bag support. So those first 1000 registered people are going to get a Wyrd treat in there bag! :)

---------- Post added at 09:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 AM ----------

Also about Nico's pistol

The original Nicodem model(pre-Malifaux release) actually had a pistol bit that came with him. So that's a throw back to that I think.

Anyways great show guys. Honestly a little nervous about my Tactica interview because I think I rambled for an hour. Pretty sure I am going to sound like a moron on it :)

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Nice one, I'm really looking forward to The Arena segment, it sounds like a really fun segment, you could work out a system of flipping a card and having each suit throw out a different cheap minion from the matching faction and then increase in how many by multiplying each time so you would have somthing like 2 Guild hounds, then 4 mindless zombies, then 8 gupps and so on...

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Also a quick correction, We just got official word from Wyrd about Adepticon support. They will be providing tournament prize support as well as swag bag support. So those first 1000 registered people are going to get a Wyrd treat in there bag! :)

Wow, I guess Privateer Press really set the bar for goodie bags then! This is great to hear, although also very sad given there's not a chance in Hades that I can make it across the world to attend. :(

Anyways great show guys. Honestly a little nervous about my Tactica interview because I think I rambled for an hour. Pretty sure I am going to sound like a moron on it :)

Pfft - don't worry about it. I rambled at Ian & Julian for three hours and they still turned it into a decent Zoraida Tactica. ;)

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awwww...... FANTASTIC! thanks Rathnard. this is the best! anyway, thanks for also doing the name correction.. hahaha... i was about 10 face palms in before i heard my real name.

so, here it goes: i told myself i was only going to stick with rezzers! but i dont think there is any way out of me starting a marcus crew at this point... this is a dirty step down the road to complete and utter malifaux addiction... but ive already come up with a justification. this being that mcmourning and marcus are buds... well, they hang out sometime.

I will definitely post pics when i get this lovely all painted up.

oh, yea and this is what i did to my hand...


not so nice.. it put a damper on my moving all those stupid little pieces of paper around.

thanks again... and thanks for the great podcast. keep it up fellas.

oh and some insider info... my wifes name is miranda so she should be pretty happy when I paint up my myranda to look like her after i by the marcus box.. seeya.

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I will definitely post pics when i get this lovely all painted up.

I certainly hope you do. We need more AMarcus pics around the place! :)

oh, yea and this is what i did to my hand....

Oh damn, that's even nastier than I thought. Pretty deep looking too - I'm actually surprised you managed to finish it after a cut like that!

Great podcast guys, always love the show.

Was game three for Rathnard against a previous member of Podhammer? Might just be the Aussie accent, but sounds familiar.

Yep, that was Matt Coles of Podhammer fame. He was certainly a great guy to talk to/play against and had an awesomely painted Kirai crew...aside from the twin-linked shikome. He totally should have left them at home. ;)

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Alright, got through it while stripping minis...

It was pretty good, and I was definitely up for more "Confessions" despite not being a fluff person. I'm also glad rathnard will be more active in it because he compliments what you guys add to the cast.



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Thanks for the comments guys! :)

To make the show as good as possible, we need as much feedback as we can get.

We haven't really done much on the painting/modelling side of the hobby, and we're starting to look at ways to include that.

Any segments that aren't really working? No point in us planning, recording and editing something if it sucks!

Any segments that you consider an essential part of the show? Any way we could do something different?

All opinions welcome.

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Another really good episode, and I think Rathnard makes a great addition to the crew (I was going to say "will make" but he is good value from the off) :)

Looking forward to that Killjoy Minion O' The Week.

If I can answer one question Ian and Bill touched on, which is the difference between writing self-contained short stories compared to multi-volume stories. I have some experience with the latter, and while it is great to plan out character and plot arcs and see them unfold the sheer amount of narrative bookkeeping that needs to be done is immense. Hat (specifically a bowler) off to Nerdelemental for his work on the main storyline. So I made a conscious decision to keep the Faction stories in Book 3 different from one another. Part of this was so they didn't get boring or repetitious, part of it was selfish - to challenge myself and avoid falling into a writing rut, but the main part of it was to reflect the source material - Malifaux is a kaleidoscope of often jarring and contradictory images and inspirations, but one that is endlessly pleasing to gaze upon and to manipulate, just to see what bizarre shapes and colours you can produce for the reader. I wanted, most of all, to try and capture at least some of that.

I think all the segments of the show are working atm, and it is good to have a show that does not focus on the competitive side, but covers all aspects of the game. Don't get me wrong, though, I love hearing some tactics along with the rest. If it is a model I use I am always interested in other possibilities, but (more often) where it is a model I don't, listening to what it can do in the game more often than not makes me want to play a crew with that model in it!

I skipped the interview with Nilus, but that is only because I have heard him on the other Malifaux podcasts talking about Adepticon :) I like the game reports, especially ones that talk about unusual missions. Maybe you could have a segment about that?

If you want to do a hobby/ painting section, you could do worse than check out Robey Jenkins' own podcast Precinctomega Hobbycast. He does a great deal of this kind of thing, and manages to make something very visual work on a podcast. Maybe he could do some stuff for you guys?

Edited by Sholto
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as a very fun and fluff oriented player i really enjoy the show a lot. the tactics sections are really long so its great that they are separate shows. i wouldn't mind seeing a tactic of the month or a cool combo every show that isnt a full tactics break donw. something small to think about...

also i would love it if at some point you put together a bonus episode that has all the circus fluff you guys write all in a row.. so you could give a listen just to your guys stories. also it would be nice to have one where the rezzer story is read and put together in a row too. maybe after you guys have 2 hours of content for each story arc? think that would be awesome.

yea, that cut went straight to the bone. it was worth it though...

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Cloudfang: The plan has always been to release the stories as an omnibus when the arc was complete (whenever that may be). Since "Act 1" of the circus story is now done, and Julian is going to take a little break from writing duties, maybe we could do a special of the stories so far. Or maybe we should wait until just before the circus comes back (kind of a catch up thing).

Sholto: Thanks for your insights. I think they confirm what Bill and I were saying. I agree that not having to worry about the ongoing plots gives you an advantage when writing. I'm pretty sure I made that point in-show, but it's possible I edited it out. Apologies if that's the case.


Oh, and Cloudfang, that cartoon was FANTASTIC! :)

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thanks cactus.. you guys deserve that cartoon... ive also had a few drawings of your circus characters in the works, real life just got in the way after just having a kid and also trying to revamp me and my buddies gaming blogsite (livetocrush)... but hopefully i will finish them soon... and send them over.. keep up the good work.

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