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Avatar of Contagion quickies



Ok, ok, so I promised that I wouldn't ask anymore, but I just need a quicky yes/no on one question, and a small clarification on another.


Since the Avatar of Contagion does not have the The Void rule, the Avatar has to draw cards as usual; yes/no?


I read an old thread that asked about the interaction between Frenzied Piping, Writhing Mass and Blight counters. Since rats only have two wounds, they will die from using either of these abilities if they have one Blight token, so they aren't allowed to use these abilities. The consensus seemed to be that it was intended that you'd have to use Bask in the Plague to remove these tokens, so that the rats wouldn't gib themselves from these abilities, but that consensus was never confirmed as a ruling.

So question the second is just a clarification on the above; is it intended that Bask in the Plague is necessary to use Writhing Mass or Frenzied Piping?

Thank you!

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