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Killjoy vs. Teddy

Iron Heel

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Hi Iron. Good question. Both models are very good. Personally I would take teddy in a Zoraida / Collodi crew. Not only is teddy two SS cheaper, killjoy requires you to sacrifice a friendly model to put him on the board. Teddy has a slightly higher walk, and with flight can move around the board much easier. Also if you look at the stats, teddy is simply a much better minion. The only thing I could think of having a reason to take killjoy over teddy is that teddy is immune to influence and cannot be obeyed by Zoraida

Edited by KoreyMalifaux
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I think both Teddy and Killjoy are great in their own ways.

Overall, Killjoy has a far better damage output (especially with the Onslaught trigger) and is more resiliant from turn to turn - being able to restore your wounds after killing a model is far better than regenerate 2. He might look slower but the fact that you bring him out of a blood sacrificed model allows you to put him just about anywhere you want. Out of control can be an issue, but in a fast, obey-filled crew like Zoraida's it rarely results in Killjoy charging something you'd rather not.

Teddy on the other hand, is much cheaper - after the +3SS investment for Killjoy, you also need to waste the AP/SS just to bring Killjoy out. After Killjoy's initial arrival, Teddy also edges him out in the mobility department. Immune to influence might seem like a disadvantage in a Zoraida crew, but it also means your opponent won't be able to use Wp-based attacks on him either. While he's admittedly easier to kill, Teddies slightly higher Df and the spell Thing of Nightmares (Dead of Night) make it more difficult for enemy models to activate triggers against him, which is probably one of the largest weaknesses of models like these. The Smell Fear action is another nice trick, especially if you bewitch the target beforehand with Zoraida. ;)

From a personal perspective, I think both are good choices that I'd consider in a Zoraida crew. That said, I also think Killjoy is much more fun. :D

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I would like to point out some things for Killjoy. As he's been one of my favorite models and to anyone who pays attention to my posts, I rant about him a lot. ^^

I tried a proxy teddy, and he worked. But I've won so many games mostly because of Killjoys damage and his trigger. Last game I faced a Lilith brood. Zorida obeyed Nekima and killed a terror tot, lilitu and a desperate mercenary. Killjoy killed lilith, lelu, nekima, mature neph and a young neph. Almost entirely by himself, because his minimum damage was 4, and onslaught let me get so many more attacks.

best game I've had was I slung collodi forward, the Viks player activated ran their stuff forward. Whirlwinded most of the dolls. I teleported a wicked (which is creatable by Zorida, which helps offset his cost) to collodi. Brought out Killjoy. Killed them both, one took two actions, the other I got onslaught off the melee trigger.

His 4 damage made the difference. If it had been teddy with his 3, it would of taken an extra hit for that last wound.

That and I played old school WoW, mostly as a demonologist warlock. So he brings back fond memories of all the high level demons you had to keep under you're control before they turned on you. :)

I say Killjoy, Cooler model IMO (love his auto grab with his chain) He's fun to keep under control and he's always been worth the points in every game I've brought him.

But, he's not always needed either. :( Viva La Killjoy!

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