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H: Gremlinette W: Other Malifaux stuff


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I may be posting a little early on this but have recently come into possession of a spare Gremlinette. It is painted, not too badly but could be over-painted or stripped fairly easily from the looks of it.

Not sure what the going rate is for this item and for reasons that make no sense even to me I would rather trade than sell.

Aiming high perhaps but if anyone is willing to swap a starter box that would be ideal, particularly looking for the following:

Collodi box

Somer Teeth box (unlikely I realise, given what I am looking to swap).

Alternatively some random wants listed below:

Pretty much any Gremlin related items not including Ophelia and her kin;




Guild hounds;

Black blood shaman;


Desperate Mercenaries;


In truth though I would consider any malifaux stuff outside what I already have so quite willing to listen to offers consisting of items not on the above list.

If I don't get back to you tomorrow, then I probably won't be able to return any PM's (assuming I get any) until 5 February.

Thanks for looking.

Edited by Chucklemonkey
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Not sure if this is any help to anyone, noticing your location ill say this though, i bought mine on the Black Friday sale, and inc postage it cost me £26 so a starter box is roughly the right area to aim for trade i guess. ($20 for the model and $16 postage)

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