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Tricky, tricky...Book 4 shenanigans?


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I would have guessed that he was the first Governor or some other human with power and unbridled ambition. They kind of hinted at that. But I can see the possibility of her being NB/H crossbreed between Jack and maybe...Lil? (Now there's a scary thought. Maybe Lil's the woman who betrayed Jack. :surprised)

After reading Nekima's Fluff, that's what I thought as well

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One of the things I love about Malifaux is that almost everyone is shades of grey. I'd put them like this:

- Good: Lady J, Hoffman

- Mostly Good: Molly, Colette, Perdita

- Mostly Evil: Nicodem, McMourning, Collodi, Som'er, Dreamer (don't give me that "he's just a kid" crap- he's a spoiled brat that kills people when he can't have his way, which is constantly).

- Pure Evil: Seamus, Hamelin the Plagued

- Somewhere in Between: everyone else

Colette is one of the few masters who seems to care about her own minions, which is why I put her in the good guy camp. :)

I agree the Dreamer is a brat.

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Zoraida says he's trying to ascend in book 3 doesn't she? Which would imply that if he's not a tyrant yet, he's certainly heading that way. But then when Pandora talks to him, he doesn't seem to look at himself as one.

The Dreamer's description in Rising Powers says that much.

Additionally, Nytmare's description says that he "never manifested the the traditional mastery of Malifaux magics" and he is "older than most would believe, including the Neverborn."

With the Neverborn (for the most part) representing the subjugated populaces of Malifaux during the reign of the Tyrants, you'd think they would know everything about all of them (and they obviously dont know much about this guy).

To me this all hints at Nytmare being either an older (pre-tyrant) denizen of Malifaux or a being from another plane completely.

Dont get me wrong I can see the possibility that he maybe another tyrant. This is the great thing about the fluff it leaves a lot to the reader to decide.

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An Arcanist doll maker would be wonderful.

As for regular non-Special Forces Mercenaries, I'd like to see mercs from the other factions. So far we just have the Performer & her Mannequin willing to side with anyone with enough 'stones. And, there is Killjoy, which fits in fluff-wise as a sell out Neverborn. At a stretch, Lazarus is a Guild merc. But this is Malifaux. It's such a wicked place that we should be seeing a lot of double agents, as opposed to the full-on guns-for-hire that make up the Outcast mercs.

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I would add LCB to the "Pure Evil" club.

Yeah, there's a club.

Good point. I was limiting the list game mechanics-wise. Dreamer is mostly evil and not pure evil because he (as far as I can tell) doesn't understand the consequences of his actions- it's all fun and games and imagination, not real life slaughter to him. Obviously Nytmare knows and doesn't care. He probably chairs the Pure Evil club.

Makes me wonder what could happen if LCB figures out how to use even a fraction of the Dreamer's power on his own. What happens to the kid then, hm?

I'll also cast a vote for Stalker 263 to be a special Arcanist minion. If it wouldn't be too complicated or unbalanced, perhaps a special rule would also allow him to serve in a Guild crew if a Witchling Handler is present or if Sonnia leads.

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He also knows the oldest of magics now too, doesn't he? Which would make him fairly lethal to magic users. Unless he has to draw a magic circle round them for it to work...

Keep his Stalker anti-magic abilities and sword, and add on his range of spells. Maybe give him the Librarian's ranged attack and some of her spells, healing in particular, as helping others seemed to be part of his motivations.

Maybe he can make it as a pseudo-terrain piece, like with the flame / ice pillars. Probably only have it stay until the same part of the Closing Phase that the original flame pillars do. Give it a magic dampening or suit removing kind of aura.

I'll also cast a vote for Stalker 263 to be a special Arcanist minion. If it wouldn't be too complicated or unbalanced, perhaps a special rule would also allow him to serve in a Guild crew if a Witchling Handler is present or if Sonnia leads.

Good point. Having Sonnia or a Handler keeping him in line in a Guild crew or having him regain his memories and join or run his own Arcanist crew, all in the same model would be a nice modular list option for a model.

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