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whoops i seem to of brought another crew


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i decided to start a colette crew due to how nice the models are plus no one in the group i play with has one.

i wanted to do something a bit different for the bases as every crew i have seen has had floorboards. This took a bit of thinking and i decided on trying to do polished marble as its been something i have wanted to try for a while. The only problem i could see with this was that the bases might look a bit bare so i played around with a few ideas....the one i have chossen is scattered playing cards as that seemed to fit best with the character of the models.

any way here she is the master of my new crew Colette.


Edited by Rowlf
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the models look alot matter in the flesh just the light hitting them alot with the camera i was using. i heaverly glossed the marbel on the bases so it does shine right up.

the cards where really easy to make just bits of the plasic blister pack cut to shape and glued on to the rest of the base which is a circle of plasticard with some thin lines scored into it. i have been concidering trying to make a marble step for the duet to go onto but its proving hard to pull off... have now also finished the first mannequin will get pics up soon.

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heres the pic of the first of the mannequins pics of the corphee will be up later currenlty waiting for the gloss on the bases to dry. the crews nearly done and my doves turned up yesterday woo no more proxies for me....

this is one of those models where i wish i had better light at my painting table thought the blue was alot closer to the green on the dress than it is only realised this when i took it outside to varnish oh well i still like it.


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enter the duet! i kept with the blue one one but decided i wanted a bright colour for the other so have gone with this yellow. each model has a pin attaching it to the base so i can easierly swith between individuals and the duet.


So far i have managed not to have to paint a character card on the playing cards but slowly running out of choices i want every card to be different and still have a few models left inculding the dove with a load of cards coming out of the hat.

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