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Should Balance be done Mechanically, Numerically, with New Answers, or not at all?

Kael Hate

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The problem with spot changes is that it cuddles a few masters/crews in the power structure but then the "new elite" bounces up with little if any competition and the situation recycles itself to where any game is then boring and stops having any personality (with continual cuddles to the top echelon). In any game with a potential of 26 led crews their will always be somewhat of a pecking order in the structure of all crews.

Certain traits and or abilities will always have a tendancy to be favored by certain types of players and when those surface at major con tournaments they get copy pasted ad nauseum once results our posted by players seeking to be successful. If crews are all brought "inline" with each other you would have a game as bland as checkers and their would be very little hope of a game system ever growing.

The only problem with some of the past tournies of the past year at major convention level (or whatever a con tourney would be considered abroad like say for instance the U.K.). Is if faction representation is lacking in certain area's the "hard counters" to certain crews could very well be absent in said event and you would see a gross unproportional rise of certain factions/crews taking top spots due to their being no/or very few present hard counters present throughout a tourney.

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I personally think that there is no need to balance, yes there are a few 'super-masters' but there is always a way around them, if you try to do spot balances then as said before you have a new master step up and take the mantle....i have found that it is only really a problem when you make it a problem...the cards can still go against that super-master...

The game (as any game) is what you make of it...if you find you cant beat a master try a different approach, its much more satisfying beating that elusive master the harder way than seeing it cuddled.

P.S. I play Ramos, Hamelin, Perdita, Som'er and Pandora (yes a few of them are the super-masters) but i still get beat.

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@Biggles, just because I live Under a bridge, am ugly as sin and regenerate when I eat human flesh does not make me a troll. Actualy maybe it does. :P trolling for flame is not my intent tho.


This game has the advantage of its designers being able to interact with the community via this forum. Creating threads discussing how people react to the game content might show up something they can use. For me I get to see the psychological patterns that people have.

This thread assumes there is imbalance. It might be tiny and unnoticeable, it might broad and as noticeable as the nose on your face. The discussion is to show how the community would like to deal with the imbalance once seen by the powers that can make the change.


PS: Yeah yeah I buggered the poll and don't know how to fix it. If a mod can make it multiple choice go for it.

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Fair reply. I get concerned with posts like this for new players, because it could imply a broken system and deter new players. I lurked here for a while before trying the game, and posts like this might have stopped me from converting completely to this game. Discussions like this are important. I appreciate that you see where my concern with your opening post/poll are.

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