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So, list may be lacking in hitters, but this is what it looks like at 35ss.

Lj - 7ss cache.

- Avatar 2ss

Sue 8ss

Exorcist 6ss

Death Marshal x2. 8ss

Witchling Stalker x2. 8ss

The idea is to keep the crew within the buff range of sue, Lj, and to a lesser extent the exorcist. With sues buffs and the buffs from Lj's avatar, your 4 Ss minions will be a massive thorn in your enemy's side. Add to that the fact that in most cases you can keep your opponents best minion buried for a better part of the game with Lj's avatar, it should be easy to swamp them with your cheap, buffed up minions.

Keep in mind lady j is one of my "for fun" masters, and I'm not looking to win tournaments with lists like this, but I still like to win sometimes haha.

Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?


I haven't played with her Avatar yet but I like the list. In my experience LJ tends to work really well with low cost minions thanks to Inspiring Swordplay and the fact we have really hard hitting 4 and 5 point minions.

I say give it a go.

EDIT: I just noticed you're from SE MI. Where do you play at?


I like the buffs the excorist brings but I think that he is too slow; he is quite a bit slower than the rest of the crew. What about 2 guild hounds instead which would benefit well from inspiring swordplay, and would allow you to have the 8th stone in your cache?

I like the buffs the excorist brings but I think that he is too slow; he is quite a bit slower than the rest of the crew. What about 2 guild hounds instead which would benefit well from inspiring swordplay, and would allow you to have the 8th stone in your cache?

I agree. I love everything about the exorcist except the speed 3. Plus, the hounds are boss for grabbing treasure, lighting dynamite etc...


When our 4 point minions are min damage 3/4/6 you aren't lacking hitters Adrian. I like the sue exorcist combo cause you need to prolong how long you can give the exorcist +1 walk actions without being near death.

If you were to drop the exorcist I personally would favour watchers over dogs but thats just me.


Haha, touche!

I may try that with the hounds, but I do love that exorcist haha. I tried a variant of the list which inspired this one with 3 DMs and Santiago with no avatar. Worked pretty well at tabling a rasputina crew lol.


Also, Odin and I play at Pandemonium in garden city. I'd imagine RIW probably has a more consistant following, but we have a core group of regulars up there, and we're usually up there on Mondays and Thursdays (me on Thursdays ha)


Yeah, I could try that, the idea I guess is that my 4ss models will be buffed to be much better than their cost. Uncontrollable, magic weapons, disrupt magic everywhere, and the big buff from Lj that makes them harder to hit when she avatars up. Therefore model count isn't as big of a deal.....in theoryfaux.



Also, Odin and I play at Pandemonium in garden city. I'd imagine RIW probably has a more consistant following, but we have a core group of regulars up there, and we're usually up there on Mondays and Thursdays (me on Thursdays ha)

Little far for me during the weekdays (I live a tad south of Flint) but I'll have to keep my eyes open for weekend tournaments in your area.



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